online action rpg

The Soapbox: How Magic Legends went wrong with the Dimir Assassin class

Cryptic and Perfect World Entertainment are known for their love of lockboxes as a monetization strategy. Therefore it was not wholly surprising when Magic:...

Not So Massively: Torchlight III is less than the sum of its parts

Last summer in this very column, I argued that ARPGs are the pizza of gaming: Even when they're bad, they're still pretty good. The Torchlight...

Not So Massively: Wolcen’s Bloodtrail is worth coming back for

I've been a fan of Wolcen: Lords of Mayhem from the start, but with how long things went quiet after the initial post-launch updates,...

Wolcen’s Bloodtrail Chronicle update is live as a massive 12GB update

Remember when Wolcen announced that its first seasonal Chronicle, Bloodtrail, would be coming soon-  but didn't offer up a date? It turns out "soon"...
Sure. That sounds right.

Not So Massively: Online ARPGs are the pizza of gaming

I spend a lot of time thinking about online ARPGs these days. It's always been a genre I've enjoyed, and since taking over the...

Not So Massively: Gatewalkers has huge potential but isn’t there yet

After years of hilariously wrong recommendations, something seems to have clicked with Facebook's algorithms lately to make it finally start showing me relevant ads....

Not So Massively: Comparing online ARPGs, from Wolcen and Diablo to Grim Dawn and Path of Exile

A while back in the Not So Massively column, I did a piece comparing the pros and cons of some of the biggest names...

Not So Massively: First impressions of Wolcen, a familiar but fun ARPG

Wolcen: Lords of Mayhem isn't a game whose development I followed super closely, but I'd seen it on Steam aways back and thought it...

Not So Massively: Diablo IV is going in all the wrong directions

I remain torn on whether to forgive Blizzard for its "Hong Kong liberation" fiasco. J. Allen Brack has already contradicted his own apology, but...

The Stream Team: Tripping the Rifts with the Dauntless Riftstalker

A new monster has made its way to Dauntless. Part bat, part cat, part teleportation device, and part Halloween on four legs -- it's...

Pixelart OARPG Dragon of Legends launches on Kickstarter

Smed's not the only one launching a pixelart OARPG on Kickstarter today: Thrive Games has just revealed Dragon of Legends. Dragon of Legends is an...

Interview: Fantasy author Patrick Rothfuss is working on Smed’s OARPG, Hero’s Song

Among the dream team John Smedley assembled for Hero's Song -- studio Pixelmage's new 2-D open-world ARPG -- is Patrick Rothfuss, an acclaimed fantasy author who rocketed to stardom...

Exclusive Interview: John Smedley reveals Hero’s Song, his new open-world OARPG

Today, we finally learn what John Smedley has been working on since he resigned from his decades-long role at Daybreak. The industry veteran has founded indie...