Opinion pieces are by definition neither neutral nor subjective. Massively Overpowered’s writers’ editorials reflect their own opinions, not necessarily the opinions of the site or company.
The Daily Grind: Do you ever just hang out inside MMORPGs?
When the MMORPG genre was young, I spent a lot of time inside of MMORPGs not doing much besides standing or sitting around and...
Wisdom of Nym: Elitism and playing properly in Final Fantasy XIV
There was a thread on the official Final Fantasy XIV forums back about... I want to say a million years ago? Maybe two million?...
First impressions of Black Desert’s closed beta test, part two: Crafting, gathering, and economy
On Friday, I took a look at the classes, combat, and tricky mechanics of upcoming sandboxy Korean-import Black Desert's first western closed beta test....
The Daily Grind: Is two-faction PvP ideal for MMORPGs?
Be they sandbox or themeparks, plenty of MMORPGs have hopped on the two-faction PvP bandwagon. A player rolls up on the red side or blue side at character...
Guild Chat: Can MMO progression-seeking become ‘bullying’?
Pull up a chair, help yourself to a leftover mince pie, and make yourself comfortable for another edition of Guild Chat, the place in...
The Daily Grind: Who’s your favorite MMO antagonist?
One of the things I liked about Star Wars: The Old Republic right from its launch is that it gave players plenty of antagonists...
Leaderboard: The best new Not So Massively game of 2015
A few weeks ago, we asked you to vote on the best new MMO of 2015. Some of you were outraged at the inclusion...
The Daily Grind: What MMO sequel would you like to see?
Are we past the era of MMO sequels? Maybe yes, but also, maybe no. I like to hedge -- and this industry is always...
EverQuesting: EverQuest, EverQuest II, Landmark, and EverQuest Next in 2015
When it comes to the EverQuest franchise, looking back at 2015 is a much different experience than looking back at 2014 was. That previous...
First impressions of Black Desert’s closed beta test: Classes, combat, and mechanics
Over the course of my first day in Black Desert, I did a lot of the things you'd expect from the first day in...
WoW Factor: The view from outside the Legion alpha test
I've been paying rapt attention to the ongoing-though-paused World of Warcraft Legion alpha tests  because said tests are looking good. That's a positive. Whilst the actual...
The Daily Grind: What’s the best MMORPG without a cash shop?
During any online discussion about MMORPG payment models, someone will inevitably lament that subscriptions are better because they don't nickel-and-dime you with a cash...
Massively Overthinking: The MMO with the brightest future
Imagine you have a friend who wants to play an MMO but doesn't want to get involved in a game that's in decline or...
Tiptoeing through ArcheAge’s 2015
It has been quite a year for ArcheAge. As you look back over the past 12 months, you certainly can't say 2015 was uneventful;...
Perfect Ten: The MMORPGs to watch in 2016
A long time ago on another website far, far away, I held a tradition of kicking off the new year by listing the top...
The Daily Grind: Do you have any resolutions for 2016 in MMOs?
2016 is almost here, and I nearly forgot all about it! It feels less like "New Year's Eve" and more like "Thursday, get all...
Massively Opinionated: Is Star Citizen’s ‘first-person universe’ really a new genre?
Larry hosts MMO Bomb's Mike Byrne in a debate over topics ranging from Star Citizen to Overwatch!
Flameseeker Chronicles: Guild Wars 2 predictions for 2016
2015 is coming to a close, and I've eaten my own bodyweight (and then some!) in festive treats, so it's the perfect time to...
The Repopulation rejects blame for Hero Engine’s financial struggles
The Repopulation's struggles with the money-troubled Hero Engine service have led to game delays, server downtime, and suspended development, and the drama continues today.
Earlier this week,...
The Daily Grind: What MMO did you forget existed?
The other day we did a story on Istaria (aka Horizons) and I said to myself in an empty room, "Huh. That's still around?"