
Opinion pieces are by definition neither neutral nor subjective. Massively Overpowered’s writers’ editorials reflect their own opinions, not necessarily the opinions of the site or company.

What you are chasing and will not get.

Perfect Ten: 10 MMOs that let you turn real money into MMO money

Two days ago, World of Warcraft launched the WoW Token service, which will kill the game forever. It thus joins the list of every...
Elder Scrolls

The Daily Grind: What’s your favorite MMO fantasy setting?

I've been fooling about in Elder Scrolls Online this week, and in some ways it's like coming home. I wrote Massively's ESO column for...
lol, valve

Leaderboard: Which of the big four MOBAs is your favorite?

OK, MassivelyOP MOBA fans, it's time to vote for your favorite game. We're going to keep it simple for today's Leaderboard, though. There are...

Flameseeker Chronicles: Four fabulous Guild Wars 2 vistas worth visting

Guild Wars 2 makes me tick because the creatives at ArenaNet have laid such a unique and amazingly vast world at my character's feet, filled with...
Try to survive!

Skyforge’s beta is surprisingly satisfying

I can safely say that what I got when I first fired up Skyforge was not, in fact, what I had been hoping I...

The Daily Grind: Where do you stand on MMO emulators?

Emulators. They're a touchy, murky, grey-area subject for many people and one that we don't touch on a lot here on the site due...

Global Chat: Are MMO players too mean to game developers?

Is it too easy to forget that MMOs, like all video games, are made by people just like you and I? Belghast over at...

Massively OP Podcast: Episode 9

Justin and Bree discuss April Fools' Day, Neverwinter on Xbone, EverQuest II, SWG's NGE, Trove, Star Trek Online, WildStar, and RIFT, with mailbag questions on Guild Wars 2 leveling and the VR trend.

Tamriel Infinium: Elder Scrolls Online sucked me in with werewolves

A couple of weeks ago in Massively Overthinking, we talked about making a game sticky without vertical progression. Although the question was a bit...

The Daily Grind: What’s your most memorable MMO noob moment?

I was basically still a kid when I first started playing MMOs, and my first, of course, was the wild west of the newly...

Sword and Bored: 10 rats

Mo undertakes his first kill-ten-rats quest and boggles at the array of loot those tiny rats possess.
The future is dragons, as is the present.

Wisdom of Nym: Final Fantasy XIV’s Steps of Faith

It happened, just as expected. A day after I posted a lengthy column discussing Final Fantasy XIV's last big pre-expansion patch, that patch dropped, and...
Infinite Crisis

The Daily Grind: What’s your preferred MOBA class?

The strangest thing has been happening to me here lately. I... I think I'm becoming a MOBA fan. It's not that I had anything...

EVE Evolved: Four lessons sandbox MMOs can learn from EVE

The past few years have seen a resurgence of support for sandbox MMOs, both of the trying-to-be-minecraft creative kind and the hardcore nuke-it-from orbit...
You have clearly been preparing for this day.

The Daily Grind: How long do you have your subscriptions set up for?

I had not put my Final Fantasy XIV account on anything more extended than month-by-month billing for the longest time. Which is kind of...

LOTRO Legendarium: Why you need to read the books if you play the game

While my Kindle is loaded with so many new books I've yet to read that I really should take a few months off to...

The Daily Grind: Do you ever want to change your character’s race?

We all whine and complain about MMO cash shop offerings, but you know what's one item that I'm always glad to see? A race...

Ascent is MMO space simming done right

My favorite thing about Ascent: The Space Game is its planetary rotation. It's a small thing, granted, but the first time I sat still...

The Soapbox: The misguided quest for MMO stickiness

This guest Soapbox was originally commissioned in 2015 through Massively Overpowered's Kickstarter campaign and is authored by Tyler F.M. Edwards, who blogs at www.superior-realities.com....

The Daily Grind: Does FFA PvP reflect badly on players?

Today's Daily Grind question comes from Luxxicon, a donor to our Kickstarter campaign. Luxxicon just wants to talk about open-world PvP. In fact, his...