
Official Site: Overwatch
Studio: Blizzard Entertainment
Launch Date: May 24, 2016
Genre: Team-Based OFPS
Business Model: B2P
Platform: PC, Xbox One, PS4

The MOP Up: Star Trek Online’s Battle at the Binary Stars heats up

Star Trek Online has a serious crush on Discovery right now -- and why not, since the show has propeled the franchise back into...

Blizzard and Netease will be cranking out games together at least until 2023

Chinese gaming giant Netease has popped up in the news over and over this past year. It poured money into SpatialOS and is building...
this isn't sad at all alexa play dogsong

Overwatch releases a new short story and confirms that yes, Soldier 76 is gay

Poor Ana, she got a bit short-sold on her own short story. Yes, Overwatch's healing sniper gets her own bit of short fiction, but...

The MOP Up: Diablo III’s anniversary dungeon returns

Anyone who missed out on Diablo III's anniversary dungeon can get back in on the fun and rewards thanks to its reprise all month...
Plays well with others.

Blizzard is investigating Overwatch team’s ‘social experiment’ hoax [Updated]

The first female member of an Overwatch Contenders team is now also the first female player to leave an Overwatch Contenders team. Ellie had joined the...
Stop being a JERK.

Overwatch semi-pro finals will require chat participants to link their Battle.net accounts

Gosh, it's really hard to get people to stop being screaming monsters on Twitch chat, huh? Blizzard has been dealing with this problem with...

The Daily Grind: Do you ever get pressured into playing a role you’d rather not in MMOs?

A post that we did earlier this year pointed me to a rather funny and catchy song called "No Mercy" by The Living Tombstone....

Blizzard details new HOTS cadence, shames toxic Overwatch pros, and pays over 100 Irish staff to leave

Despite the recent news from Blizzard that Heroes of the Storm's development cadence is being scaled back, with some of its developers being shifted...
Now my stats are good!

There are no Blizzard games in the November 2018 SuperData games revenue ranking, not even WoW

I did a little double-take when I read SuperData's November 2018 games industry revenue ranking piece today, and not because the title and intro...

Overwatch’s Winter Wonderland is out, but Blizzard World is struggling

Holiday Blizzard World is live in Overwatch! Oops, nevermind! Well, it was live earlier this week briefly as the Winter Wonderland rolled out to the...
Someone must have had fun with this at some point, right?

South Korea now has a law criminalizing the act of boosting in online games

Let's say you really care about your competitive rank in a video game, but you don't have the time to actually practice and get...

Ask Mo: The hits and misses of Massively OP’s 2018 predictions

As we do every year, today we're going to peek back at the horrifying outcomes of last year's MOP staff predictions for the genre and the games within it to determine how well we did. After all, what would be the fun of making predictions if we couldn't giggle over our guesses a year later? So did we nail it or fail it? And did you fare better? Let's find out.
Walkin' in a seasonal event.

Overwatch’s Winter Wonderland will return on December 11

The true meaning of Christmas is something you can use for any number of jokes, but the true meaning of winter is hunting yetis...

The Daily Grind: When was the last time you saw something truly heartwarming in an MMORPG?

A few weeks ago, my husband found himself in a bit of a reorienting Overwatch match. There was a young kid on chat sounding super depressed,...
Boldly gone.

The MOP Up: Star Trek Online engages Battle at the Binary Stars

Continuing with its push deeper into the Age of Discovery arc, Star Trek Online has warped in the Battle at the Binary Stars task...

Blizzard sources dish on Warcraft Go, Diablo IV, Diablo Immortal, China, and Activision’s culture shift

Kotaku has a wild article up today ahead of the holiday with input from nearly a dozen anonymous current and former Blizzard employees spilling...

SuperData: Red Dead Redemption 2 and Call of Duty dominate October as Blizzard titles slip

Surprising absolutely no one, Red Dead Redemption 2 killed it (and the horse it rode in on) in October. According to SuperData's digital games...
Doooo not care

The MOP Up: Free Overwatch this Thanksgiving

Don't have Thanksgiving plans past gorging on dead bird carcasses and mashed-up roots? Blizzard has just the thing for you: Free Overwatch! "From November 20th...

The US Army is fielding esports teams for Fortnite, Overwatch, and more

In an apparent effort to connect with America's youth and drive up recruitment numbers, the United States Army has announced that it will be...
Reckon that's a bit pointless.

Shoot, shoot, shoot, bullet, bullet, gun! Ashe – and B.O.B. – are live in Overwatch

As I type this article, my husband's in Overwatch playing Ashe. In fact, he's in an arcade mode where literally everyone is playing Ashe,...