Whatever happened to Bless Unleashed’s PC version?
"Hey, yeah, I remember Bless Unleashed! Wasn't that a bit of a mess," we hear you presumably say. And yes, it kind of was:...
Riders of Icarus, which once had 1M western players, is riding into the sunset under Valofe’s banners
A week ago, we covered the odd news that Valofe's Riders of Icarus had abruptly canceled its plans to merge down the North American...
Blockchain-infused EVE Frontier schedules next playtest for early November
"EVE Online is good and all, but you know what it really needs? A heaping dose of blockchain for play-to-earn goodness!" said nobody but...
For Science: Fandom’s survey shows a majority of gamers play to unwind and de-stress
I know you'll all be shocked to learn that people play games to have fun and chill out, but in the current industry, sometimes...
SoulWorker hands publishing duties off to Valofe ‘for its continued enhancement and maintenance’
SoulWorker is another one of those action MMOs that has had a history of being passed about more frequently than a football: The game's...
Working As Intended: The hits and misses of our 2023 MMO predictions
We've been offering up an MMO predictions list for Massively Overthinking for years upon years now as our writers and readers prognosticate on the...
Riders of Icarus launches Magmapora patch and roadmap, followed by P2E-to-coin conversion
Valofe's Riders of Icarus has been a rollercoaster of chaos the last couple of years. It had already fallen off most MMO gamers' radars...
SEGA backs down on blockchain push, admitting ‘the action in play-to-earn games is boring’
As companies like Ubisoft and Square-Enix keep going in hard on crypto, others are finally giving up on what have always been losing propositions,...
Ragnarok Online has a mobile play-to-earn NFT version called Ragnarok Labyrinth NFT
Gravity Games, the studio behind Ragnarok Online and its many, many, many different variations, has released another version of the MMO through its Gravity...
The Daily Grind: What’s the worst guild you’ve ever been in?
Friends, I saw a horrific tweet the other day about - and I am not making this up - a "pay-to-earn gaming guild," and...
Whatever happened to Legends of Aria aka Britaria? (2023 edition)
We turn our gaze away for just a little bit and suddenly a tire fire has sprung forth, and that tire fire is named...
Little Orbit’s ‘Web 2.5’ platform that lets players sell digital creations is just another blockchain pitch
Last August, Little Orbit, the studio that's known to MMO players as the stewards for APB: Reloaded and Fallen Earth, talked up its blockchain...
Square-Enix claps hands with a blockchain game platform that ‘hides web3 technology under the hood’
At this point, game publishers and developers are likely wise to the fact that the vast majority of gamers don't want, like, or need...
Following another weak quarter, Square-Enix will replace Yosuke Matsuda as president
Yosuke Matsuda is finally on his way out of Square-Enix: The company's Board of Directors announced early this morning that Matsuda will step down...
Bless Global is back again, this time on mobile and Steam as a shambling blockchain horror
I'm sorry to report this morning that Bless is back and at it again.
Oh, that sounds cruel if you don't know the history, so...
Q4 2022: Nexon counts huge YOY revenue boost, pushes harder into blockchain
Nexon's Q4 2022 financial figures are the latest to arrive this week, as CEO Owen Mahoney presided over a mostly decent quarter for the...
Q4 2022: Krafton threatens to launch a ‘create-to-earn’ platform in 2023
Korean games giant Krafton reported $1.47B US in revenues for the full year 2022 period, with operating profit up 15.5% year over year but...
Mobile MMORPG World of Zenonia resurfaces with a new name and planned connection to the blockchain
Back in March 2020 we reported on World of Zenonia, an upcoming mobile MMORPG based on the long-running series of action RPGs that primarily...
Massively Overthinking: Our MMO predictions for 2023
Nobody can see the future, but it sure is fun guessing, and that's exactly what we're going to do for (to?) the MMO genre...
Bless Global is a blockchain-linked version of Bless that’s headed for Steam and mobile devices
The life of the Korean MMORPG Bless has been like a neverending story without any of the '80s-era whimsy. Readers will remember it first...