perfect world entertainment

A major Chinese publisher with a large branch in the US, known here primarily for its stewardship of Cryptic Games’ MMORPGs, including Star Trek Online, Neverwinter, and Champions Online.

Perfect World takes its Arc quest system offline for an upgrade

If you have been accessing Perfect World's MMOs directly, you may be ignorant that the company's launcher has its own daily quest system. Has...

Star Trek Online will make a 3-D model of your ship for hundreds of dollars

For Star Trek Online captains who have fallen deeply in love with their starship of choice, now they can take that ship out of...

EVE Online, Star Trek Online, and Elite Dangerous players memorialize physicist Stephen Hawking

Multiple MMORPG communities are celebrating the life of internationally renowned cosmologist Stephen Hawking, who passed away earlier this week. In EVE Online, players came together...
This isn't how it had to be.

Perfect Ten: MMO missteps that didn’t have to happen

Around the time I started working at Massively-that-was, there was an article that I quite liked talking about how four high-profile MMO failures were...

Enter to win a Neverwinter Teal-Dusted Axebeak for PC in honor of Lost City of Omu’s launch

To celebrate the arrival of Lost City of Omu for Neverwinter on PC last week, PWE has kindly given Massively OP 50 mount keys to give away to our...

Perfect Ten: A dozen MOBAs that didn’t make it

With the insane success -- both in terms of popularity and finances -- that Dota and League of Legends spawned, you can easily understand...

Massively OP Podcast Episode 160: Defiance ’till the end

Justin and Bree discuss Sea of Thieves, Defiance 2050, Funcom, Secret World, Guild Wars 2, and Villagers & Heroes, plus new updates in Neverwinter, WoW, Black Desert, and Path of Exile, with a mailbag question on all the MMOs we're looking forward to.

Star Trek Online knocks off $100 from its lifetime subscription

Picard and crew might not have needed money in the oh-so-enlightened Federation, but if you're going to grab a lifetime subscription to Star Trek...

Neverwinter’s Lost City of Omu update is live for PC players; here’s the launch trailer!

Neverwinter's Lost City of Omu update is live on PC today - yes, PS4 and Xbox One players will have to wait a few...

Neverwinter details the hunts of the Lost City of Omu

Yo dawg, we heard you like hunting monsters, so we put some monsters to hunt in Neverwinter so you could hunt monsters while not...

Neverwinter offers a tour of the Fane of the Night Serpent

Snakes. Why did it have to be snakes? Well, because Neverwinter is currently lousy with snakes, that's why. Specifically, the Yuan-ti have a center...

Neverwinter AMA gets into the specifics of system design

The Neverwinter system designers were on hand this week for an Ask Me Anything on Reddit about the title. Naturally, it drew a crowd...
This is a hill one could die upon.

Star Trek Online teams up with Mixed Dimensions for 3D printed ships (again)

It's been about a year and a half since Star Trek Online first announced that it would be offering 3D printed versions of player...
It looks like a good tourist spot.

Neverwinter shows off the ruined undercity of Omu

If there's one universal rule to cities, it's that they've got some other ruined underground city you can also explore because cities work like...
Cool, well, screaming forever now.

Neverwinter details the creation of the Atropal boss

The Atropal boss in Neverwinter is not something you want to run into in a dark alley. Heck, it's probably not something you want...

Global Chat: What is the population of Guild Wars 2?

Does it matter how many people are playing your MMO? For some, yes, it does. It's at least of passing interest to others, especially...

Secret World Legends posts a quick teaser of the agent system

One of the first new Secret World Legends systems is coming soon, and Funcom posted a quick video of it this week to whet...
So many colors in the rainbow.

Perfect Ten: The tabletop GMs behind MMOs

One of the advantages to computer RPGs, I've always thought, is that you don't need a friend who you can alternately sucker or bribe...

Neverwinter’s Lost City of Omu improves upon the Chult campaign

Don't wash your hands of Neverwinter's Jungles of Chult campaign just yet. Cryptic's upcoming Lost City of Omu will flesh out the fun and...

Star Trek Online’s anniversary event heads to console next month

With all of the excitement and freebies surrounding Star Trek Online's 8th anniversary celebration last month, it had to have been a particular bummer...