perfect world

– Perfect World Entertainment (PWE), a video game publisher
– Perfect World International, a video game by PWE

One Shots: You put a spell on me

One of the very few MMORPGs that my wife and I ever played together was Wizard101, and I think most of that time involved...

Swordsman’s Lone Wanderer Falconer class literally rides eagles

On the way to Swordsman Online "soon," the Lone Wanderer expansion introduces a brand-new class: the Falconer. "These resilient warriors are the last remaining survivors...

Neverwinter weathers a new siege from the Cult of the Dragon

One can only speculate about why anyone lives in the city of Neverwinter. However multicultural the place might be, you would think that the...

Star Trek Online is launching on consoles this fall

The big announcements for Star Trek Online keep arriving. Last week it was the reveal of the Agents of Yesterday expansion; this week it's...

The Stream Team: Nab a Neverwinter boar mount key for Xbox One

Did you miss your chance at an Xbox One exclusive boar mount for Neverwinter during MOP's giveaway last week? Well, now you have another...

Chekov joins Star Trek Online in Agents of Yesterday

Over the years, Star Trek Online has become a high school reunion of sorts for actors from the movies and various series. One of...

Perfect World will publish Motiga’s MOBA Gigantic

Perfect World has just announced that it will be publishing Gigantic, Motiga's upcoming MOBA. "This partnership with Perfect World Entertainment expands the game’s reach, allowing...

Seventeen things you need to know about Star Trek Online: Agents of Yesterday

If you felt the flames of love for the original Star Trek series stoked by last week's announcement of Star Trek Online: Agents of...
To return where others have gone before, but not like this.

Massively OP Podcast Episode 64: To boldly return

Justin and Bree discuss Star Trek Online, Chronicles of Elyria, Marvel Heroes, WildStar, TERA, and LOTRO, plus a mailbag question on metacritic for MMOs.
Pictured: prime universe uniforms.

Scotty joins Star Trek Online’s Agents of Yesterday expansion

Montgomery Scott casts a long shadow over pop culture in general; if you've ever played a game in which the engineer spoke with a...
happy birthday to me

The Daily Grind: What do you think about NPC party members in MMORPGs?

I've been thinking a lot about classic Guild Wars lately -- the anniversary always does this to me. And one of my favorite parts...

Star Trek Online’s tale of two Leetas

If Star Trek has taught us anything, it's that midriffs and goatees signify that you're from an evil parallel universe -- and that more...

Giant monsters smash Champions Online, heroes smash back

Sure, you expect nasty things to come out of a place called Monster Island, but Canada? Why are you getting in on the act...
To return where others have gone before, but not like this.

Star Trek Online announces its third expansion: Agents of Yesterday

Space, the final frontier. These are the voyages of the starships named Enterprise. Their continuing missions have been to explore strange new worlds, to...

Enter to win a Neverwinter Xbox One boar mount from PWE and Massively OP

Just in time for this week's Neverwinter: The Maze Engine release on Xbox One and its brand-new mount system, PWE has granted Massively OP 50 mount...

Massively OP Podcast Episode 63: Leisure suit Larry

Justin and Larry discuss pristine WoW servers, TSW, Trove, Champs Online, SWTOR, lockboxes, and birthdays in CoH, LOTRO, and Guild Wars.
The Forgotten Realms is still boring and generic as heck, though.

Neverwinter launches The Maze Engine on Xbox One today

You probably should not taunt anyone who has access to something called a "Maze Engine." At a quick glance at the name, it sounds...

Neverwinter announces new guild alliance system

Guild alliances are coming to Neverwinter's Maze Engine campaign on June 7th, at least for PC players (Xbox players, you'll be lagging behind as...

The MOP Up: Allods’ Gibberling Festival (May 1, 2016)

The MMO industry moves along at the speed of information, and sometimes we’re deluged with so much news here at Massively Overpowered that some...

Champions Online promises fresh events, archetypes, and costumes

Champions Online has posted a state of the game letter to let players know what's new in Millennium City and what's still on the way. You know,...