persistent world

Neverwinter Nights persistent world Arelith hits a new player concurrency record after 22 years

Three hundred eighty. That sounds like a pretty meager number when it comes to most MMO and multiplayer game concurrency records, but for the...

Not So Massively: Imagining a true MMORTS

MMOs and RTS are two of the genres of game I play the most. Given that, you'd think I'd be a big fan of...

Persistent world VR MMO Neon Exile is slated for Steam early access this summer

So here's a brand-new MMO we'd never heard of until today, thanks to its feature on the SpatialOS blog: It's called Neon Exile, and...
All of the time.

Crowfall outlines its persistent world testing schedule

There comes a point with any game's testing when you have to just turn on the servers and leave them on. Sure, it's nice to...

Here’s how the end (and restart) of Shroud of the Avatar will go down

Now that we are on the verge of Shroud of the Avatar turning the switch on for its persistent world state, it is important...