
Player-generated content

The Stream Team: Looking for Landmark dungeons

With the beginnings of Landmark's storyteller system in place, MassivelyOP's MJ is on the prowl for some player-made dungeons to dive! She's already had...

Global Chat: An MMO to call home

Home. It's what many MMO gamers are looking for in a title: to plant down roots and find a place that exudes belonging. What...

EverQuesting: First impressions of Landmark’s new story system

When I shared my first impressions of Landmark's big spring update, I admitted that there was sadness to be had, but I also noted that...

Landmark ups prop limit, adds durability, and collapses build UI

While certainly not as hefty as the one that introduced the mega claims, Landmark's latest patch introduces a slew of combat, building, prop, harvesting,...

The Stream Team: Making a maze with mobs in Landmark

While MassivelyOP's MJ had some concerns and issues with Landmark's big spring patch (her first moments in game were buggy), there is one aspect...

Landmark delivers prop bundles to its customers

Landmark players who have previously purchased a select prop bundle for their claim are in for an unexpected treat this week. Daybreak said that...
Starting again.

There’s never been a Landmark hotfix patch like this one; you’ll have to see it to believe it

A whole mess of bugfixes are on the table today for Landmark players, making the experience of crafting landscapes and mining for resources that...

Global Chat: Why bloggers aren’t worried about the future of MMOs

The future of MMOs weighs heavily on some minds in the community, but contrary to some Chicken Littles out there, the sky is not...

EverQuesting: First impressions of life after Landmark’s latest wipe

When Daybreak drops a big Landmark patch, it apparently does so quite literally... onto hard, unforgiving concrete... from the top of a tall building....

Landmark hotfix patches bugs, Daybreak addresses currency issue

Landmark's patch week has been a bumpy one, with repeated downtimes that made it hard for anyone to play consistently. This morning's downtime hoped...

The Stream Team: Looking at Landmark’s latest wipe

Landmark's big spring update dropped this week... and promptly broke. There's already been another wipe! Things have definitely been wonky, but MassivelyOP's MJ has...

Landmark adds claim rez, ditches PvP and EU servers

Although tons of information (5,000 words worth!) was posted in Landmark's update notes, some new stuff surfaced in the official livestream today. Devs also...

Massively OP Podcast Episode 56: Ghillie nation

Justin and Bree discuss Black Desert, Marvel Heroes, The Division, VR, Landmark, Crowfall, EVE, and Tree of Savior, with mailbag questions on pay-to-win and Black Desert hype.
Springlike, sort of?

Massive Landmark patch revamps terminology, harvesting, and gear

A major patch has landed in Landmark in preparation for the title's full launch later in the spring. It's not a patch aimed just at veterans...

One Shots: Impish greetings

First contact with native tribes and species in MMOs hardly ever goes the diplomatic route; usually there's a lot of stabbing, fire-setting, plundering, and...

Landmark’s next big update arrives Monday, wipes claims and characters

Daybreak has been amping up communication about Landmark this past week following the news that it's plotting a spring launch for the sandvox MMO...

EverQuesting: Let EverQuest Next live on in Landmark

Well, then. When it rains, it pours. After a lengthy drought of EverQuest Next and Landmark news, we finally got some. And not just a...

Landmark’s storytelling system really is incoming

Amid the week's sad news and uncertainty, one question is getting a happy answer: Yes, Virginia, there is a Landmark storytelling system! And it...

Daybreak is shutting down the EQ Worlds mobile app

Daybreak is shutting down its EverQuest franchise mobile app at the end of March. "We will be closing the EverQuest Worlds mobile app at the...

Landmark plans two more character and claim wipes

Despite assurances to the contrary almost exactly one year ago, Landmark will experience two more character wipes on top of expected claim wipes. The...