
EVE Online starts CSM voting, posts whole bunches o’ numbers and graphs

The space air is electric with excitement as EVE Online has opened up the vote for the next members of the Council of Stellar...

The Daily Grind: What provokes you to kick MMO group members?

Yesterday, Blizzard Watch writer Dan O'Halloran recounted -- unfavorably -- dispiriting tales about looking-for-raid scenarios in World of Warcraft that end in vote-kicking --...

Lineage 2 preps a brand-new EU server, asks players to vote on its name

For the first time in five years, Lineage 2 is opening up a brand-new server for its European community. The server, which is currently...

Leaderboard: Will The Secret World’s relaunch entice you to play?

Last week, the MMO world was startled to learn that instead of getting an expansion, The Secret World is getting a complete relaunch as...
Are we there yet, and no matter what the answer is, why not?

Choose My Adventure: The overwhelming opening of WildStar

Playing WildStar for this week's session was the first time I really felt old. I had failed to account for two things when I got...
Hold me closer.

Vote on the name for the next TERA class (from a list of options)

The next class coming to TERA is named the Paragon... or perhaps it isn't. There's no clear way to translate the name that sounds...
In a world of self-inflicted wreckage.

Choose My Adventure: Starting fresh in WildStar

There are times when I've been away from a game for a while that I'm honestly not sure if I remember something correctly. I...

Leaderboard: If you solo in MMORPGs, why?

Solo players in MMORPGs are a strange case, chiefly because they are treated like an outlier when they aren't. The fact is that almost...
Starting off on the autocratic foot.

Choose My Adventure: Reconsidering WildStar, from pre-launch to now

In order to talk about WildStar, we kind of have to talk about Firefly. And no, not in the obvious way where we talk...

Jukebox Heroes: Vote for your favorite MMORPG theme songs of all time!

On a couple of past occasions, I've amused myself by posting countdown lists of my favorite MMORPG theme songs in this column. I was...

Valve sunsets Steam Greenlight, proposes dev submission fees to ‘decrease the noise’

Valve is determined to keep itself in the news this weekend, apparently: Yesterday, the company announced it's shutting down the Steam Greenlight platform. That's...
Hey-nonny-nonny, it's time for another song you skip over!

Choose My Adventure: LOTRO in hindsight, WildStar ahead

Writing about Lord of the Rings Online is an odd experience for me because the reality is pretty simple: I don't like the game...
Is this the family? Help us out here.

Black Desert’s Valentine’s Day events and ocean rescue system arrive today

Valentine's Day has come to Black Desert Online in a 1 GB patch today -- they take V-day seriously, these folks at Kakao. Beginning today,...
So long, guy. You looked good.

Gigantic’s Eternal Dawn update begins rollout February 23

Gigantic's so-called "first major update," Exile in the North, went live just a few weeks ago, but PWE and Motiga have way more in...
Gallop polling! I slay me.

Choose My Adventure: Wrapping up in Lord of the Rings Online

What is with me and ending this feature in slightly snowy pine-forested woodlands? That doesn't make a whole lot of sense to happen twice...

EverQuest posts 2017 progression server schedule

The Daybreak team is making some adjustments to how it is rolling out its EverQuest progression server unlocks and has provided a post outlining...

The Daily Grind: What’s your biggest pet peeve about MMORPG comment sections?

Say farewell to Livefyre, folks: Later this week, Massively OP will be migrating to a new comment system. It's not entirely of our own...

Choose My Adventure: Nice things about Lord of the Rings Online

The thing about the level of Lord of the Rings Online that I'm playing at is that they are not exactly replete with choices....

Leaderboard: Where do you stand on Marvel Heroes’ massive overhaul update?

Past the downtime and the lag and the inventory snafus, how are Marvel Heroes players reacting to the "biggest update ever?" Not well. On Steam,...

EVE Online starts the process of electing its next player council

When the winter is coldest on the coast of Iceland, CCP lugs out its 20-foot wooden alpine horn and blows a signal that can...