Destiny 2 adds in Nightfall strike scoring and text chat for PC
After reading through the most recent Destiny 2 patch notes, you can join us in a sigh of relief at the fact that the...
Final Fantasy XIV previews the contents of the upcoming patch 4.25
If you've already done all there is to do in the most recent Final Fantasy XIV patch, you won't be able to say that...
Battle Bards Episode 116: There be dragons
Mighty and majestic, scaly in hide and shrewd of mind, smoking with fury unabated… these are the Battle Bards! Also, dragons. Yes, in today’s...
The Soapbox: Six responses to the ‘gaming is wrong/evil/an addiction’ argument
I recently went on a rant about gaming, but it wasn't directed at gaming. It was in defense of gaming. I am so weary...
Wisdom of Nym: Mechanical issues for jobs in Final Fantasy XIV, part two
Last week, we covered the mechanical issues for about half of the Final Fantasy XIV job lineup. This week, we're covering the other half....
The Daily Grind: Given H1Z1’s plight, are you worried about Daybreak?
Last week, it became clear that H1Z1 has forfeited a ton of ground in the battle over battle royale games as it's lost 90%...
Final Fantasy XIV brings around another round of Little Ladies’ Day
It's time for another celebration of song and cheer in Final Fantasy XIV as the annual Little Ladies' Day rolls around once more, this...
One Shots: The Elvish temptation
I'm sorry to have to begin this week's column with a public service announcement, but this has been a long time coming. Friends, beware...
Massively Overthinking: Why doesn’t video game marketing reflect our demographics?
This week's Massively Overthinking topic comes to us from Steve, and it's a frustration for our team as well, I promise.
"If the following statistics...
Destiny 2 team revises its update roadmap
No development plan survives first contact with the community, and Bungie freely admits that its previous Destiny 2 roadmap was subject to change at...
Perfect Ten: What I discovered after returning to Dungeons and Dragons Online
When I look back at last year, the most surprising turn in my MMO gaming career was staging a successful return to Dungeons and...
Wisdom of Nym: Actual mechanical issues for jobs in Final Fantasy XIV, part one
There are a lot of people who are quick to complain about issues with their personal favorite jobs in Final Fantasy XIV. No matter...
The MOP Up: FFXIV’s Eorzean Symphony (February 18, 2017)
The MMO industry moves along at the speed of information, and sometimes we’re deluged with so much news here at Massively Overpowered that some...
One Shots: First steps into a wider world
Every MMORPG player knows that there is something incredible and magical in the feeling that you get when you take your very first steps...
Final Fantasy XIV announces an end to congested worlds and restricted housing sales
The launch of Final Fantasy XIV's new housing plots came with an additional restriction: Players weren't allowed to purchase these new plots as individuals,...
The Daily Grind: Which game is the best MMO ambassador?
The other day I was listening to a podcast in which the host was making a case that Final Fantasy XIV was one of...
Massively OP Podcast Episode 157: Lunar Valentines
Justin and Bree discuss Valentine's Day and Lunar New Year in MMOs, Guild Wars 2's latest patch, Camelot Unchained's beta date, WoW's Battle for Azeroth alpha, Closers' launch, Black Desert's unification, and Final Fantasy XIV's population, with mailbag questions on multiple accounts (spoilers: Bree talks about SWG for like three hours) and variety in period MMOs.
Perfect Ten: The tabletop GMs behind MMOs
One of the advantages to computer RPGs, I've always thought, is that you don't need a friend who you can alternately sucker or bribe...
Fireflies and flocks of seagulls: Worlds Adrift adds beautiful touches to island creation
With the island creator toolset, players have been able to build new content for Worlds Adrift right alongside the dev team. The best of...
Wisdom of Nym: What cosmetic features could other jobs get in Final Fantasy XIV?
About a month back, I got a comment in this column with an absolutely spectacular question. We've got two cosmetic systems that basically only...