
Global Chat: World of Warcraft’s wild frontier

How is World of Warcraft like the wild west of American history and legend? Something about Barrens chat might come to mind, but blog...

Revelation Online preps level cap increase and raid for September, Assassin class for November

Don't assume that just because you're on top of things in Revelation Online, it's going to last that way forever. There's an upheaval planned...

Pokemon Go’s Yokohama event was a huge improvement over the lawsuit-provoking trainwreck in Chicago

Just a month ago now, Pokemon Go's Chicago festival was completely wrecked by connection issues that rendered the game an unplayable trainwreck for thousands...

Massively Overthinking: Alone together vs. forced grouping in MMORPGs

I'm going to go out on a limb here and assume that everyone has at some point seen the xkcd called Isolation, but if not, there...

Blade and Soul’s Dark Origins patch is live with new raids and evolved stone economy fixes

Blade & Soul's Dark Origins patch is live this week, bringing with it two more chapters of Act 7, the heroic 6-man Ebondrake Lair dungeon,...

Today’s Dark and Light patch puts an end to huffing and puffing and blowing (thatch) houses down

Snail Games' MMO-turned-survivalbox reboot Dark and Light has prepped a new patch landing today aimed squarely at the B word: balance. "This latest patch is...

The Daily Grind: Have you ever felt the need to cut back on your MMORPG playtime?

A couple of months ago, Lifehacker ran an article that might just save somebody: It's titled How to Cut Back on Playing Video Games,...

Almost nobody is happy with Pokemon Go’s irritating ‘exclusive raid battles’ plan

Pokemon Go players are buzzing today over the release of legendary Pokemon Mewtwo at the Yokohama, Japan, event, which according to Niantic allowed "thousands"...

The Stream Team: Battling ARK’s Broodmother

It's been a while since Massively OP's MJ and the gang have done a Broodmother raid in ARK, so the team might be a...

Secret World Legends to re-open Tokyo on Wednesday

Ever since Secret World Legends went live earlier this summer, there's been a large, Tokyo-shaped hole in the reboot's content offerings. Part of this...

Massively Overthinking: Is the popularity of small-scale co-op games hurting MMORPGs?

Gamasutra has an unusual piece from an Ubisoft developer this week arguing that co-op gameplay is the industry's rising midcore trend, one that he...

Guild Wars 2’s new item identification system is a huge blessing for bloated inventories

WoodenPotatoes is continuing his huge Guild Wars 2 infodump on ArenaNet's behalf with a few more videos you might want to peek at ahead...

Perfect Ten: Fresh approaches for familiar MMORPGs

Short of taking a blow to the head, there's very little I can suggest in the way of experiencing a familiar MMORPG for the...

Massively OP Podcast Episode 130: Flame and Fire

Justin and Bree discuss Guild Wars 2: Path of Fire, Lord of the Rings Online: Mordor, Path of Exile: Fall of Oriath, and WoW's alt-friendly plans, with mailbag questions on MMO raiding and console MMOs.

WildStar says housing communities are coming soon, begins testing Prime Genetic Archives raid

Maybe it slipped under your radar, but WildStar has been quietly and diligently at work preparing the next two content updates for the game...

The Daily Grind: What’s the best MMORPG for gamers who are sick of raiding?

In the middle of the conversation spawned by yesterday's financial news that Guild Wars 2 had seen its worst revenue quarter since launch, several...

Chaos Theory: Guide to Secret World Legends’ Whispering Tide event

Have you met Flappy? If you haven't yet, you might want to do so very soon else you'll miss your chance. That dirty bird...

LOTRO Legendarium: First steps into Mordor

Victory. It's a fascinating place to begin an expansion, really. Most games like to set up a new threat, pit players against impossible odds, and...
Why Is Trion Like This, Just Kidding, We Actually Know

RIFT calls players back with a late-summer giveaway

It might be the perfect time to take that vacation to Telara that you've been talking about for ages! RIFT is currently running a login...
This is fine.

Guild Wars 2 adds WvW gliding and legendary armor upgrades on August 8

Being in one of Guild Wars 2's WvW maps has long meant that you can run, but you can't glide. Unable to briefly defer...