riders of rohan

An expansion for Lord of the Rings Online.

LOTRO Legendarium: The rise and fall and rise of Mines of Moria

With Lord of the Rings Online's Angmar and Mordor progression servers looking forward to entering the first expansion sometime in December, thoughts have once...

LOTRO Legendarium: Should all LOTRO expansions include ‘special systems?’

It's been an exciting week for Lord of the Rings Online as full details and testing for this fall's expansion, Legacy of Morgoth, arrived...

LOTRO Legendarium: How can LOTRO keep legendary server vibes strong?

As I write this, it's been a full week since Lord of the Rings Online activated its most recent pair of legendary worlds, Angmar...

Perfect Ten: The single best expansion from 10 MMOs

Holy crud, do I not know that I'm setting myself up for some major pushback today. Oh, I feel that to my core, friends!...

LOTRO Legendarium: A look back at Lord of the Rings Online in 2022

Holy cow, are we already wrapping up another year of Lord of the Rings Online? I've been writing this column since 2010, and I...

Lord of the Rings Online finally retires legendary warsteed bridles

When the Riders of Rohan expansion came to Lord of the Rings Online in 2012, its new mounted combat system attempted to shake up...

Lord of the Rings Online admits PvP scene is ‘at a crossroads,’ releases 15th anniversary soundtrack

Newly rehired Lord of the Rings Online dev Allan "Orion" Maki popped up on the forums this week to discuss the game's PvP scene...

Lord of the Rings Online promotes its Anor server to Minas Morgul status

Lord of the Rings Online's first progression (or "legendary") server is catching up to the regular servers, slowly but surely. In fact, today the...

The Daily Grind: List your favorite expansion to every MMO you’ve played

Lists -- we're doing one today. And it has the potential to be a really fun one! The challenge is fairly simple: Make a list...

LOTRO Legendarium: LOTRO’s history in 2020 and hopes for 2021

Just as how Sam and Frodo experienced depths of despair and heights of hope in their journey to Mount Doom, Lord of the Rings...

Lord of the Rings Online composer revives his music company after ponzi scheme fiasco

Two years after fraud ruined his company, Chance Thomas is back. The Academy Award-winning composer (and composer of great portions of Lord of the Rings...

Jukebox Heroes: LOTRO’s Great Wedding soundtrack

One reason why I keep highlighting Lord of the Rings Online patch soundtracks in this space is that the studio actually makes an effort...

LOTRO Legendarium: Ranking LOTRO’s expansions from worst to best

Every once in a while, it's a lot of fun to sit down and rank things in your favorite geeky franchises. A while back,...

LOTRO Legendarium: Lord of the Rings Online’s Hytbold experiment

The landscape of any long-running MMORPG is bound to be littered with various developer experiments that were tried and later abandoned. Lord of the...

LOTRO Legendarium: Revisiting Riders of Rohan in Lord of the Rings Online

It's finally time: We're heading back to Rohan. On Lord of the Rings Online's progression servers, at least -- the live servers have hosted...

Lord of the Rings Online starts testing new raid and Rohan housing

Hot on the heels of yesterday's rollout of Riders of Rohan on the progression servers, Lord of the Rings just started testing Update 25.4...

Lord of the Rings Online activates Riders of Rohan, hands out cloaks and armor

Lord of the Rings Online players are about to ride for ruin (in a good way), thanks to today's unlock of Riders of Rohan...

Lord of the Rings Online’s Riders of Rohan arrives on progression servers this week [Updated]

Update: It's Wednesday. Saddle up and ride for the horse kingdom: Riders of Rohan is coming to Lord of the Rings Online's progression servers this...

2012’s Riders of Rohan expansion gallops to LOTRO’s Legendary servers in February

Just last week I asked Justin how long he'd have to wait for his progression server toons in Lord of the Rings Online to...

LOTRO Legendarium: How did Lord of the Rings Online do in 2019?

When we gave Lord of the Rings Online the award this year for the Most Underrated MMORPG on the market, it came with plenty...