
Albion Online offers proof that it is still being DDOSed by RMT blackmailers

It's hard not to feel sorry for Albion Online. As we've been reporting, the newbie sandbox has been absolutely plagued by a long series of nasty...
All right, the Lopp have some chops here too.

Hacker claims to have made a living cheating in MMOs for two decades

Motherboard has a fun-slash-depressing piece out this week on an unnamed hacker who claims he's been cheating at MMORPGs to make a living for...

Pokemon Go is being sued over the disastrous Chicago live event

If you live in the midwest and are out only a ticket and a tank of gas for your trip to the botched Pokemon...

No, exploitative gacha mechanics are not a good idea for western devs

We've been talking about exploitative gacha games and related business models on Massively OP for a long time, most recently and notably in depth earlier...

Massively Overthinking: Building a better MMORPG economy

We are on a roll with the epic questions for Overthinking lately! "The recent article about monetization got me thinking about just how much most...

SuperData’s new report suggests multiplayer console gamers are more susceptible to DLC and RMT than ever

Gamers talk a big talk about horse armor DLC and pay-to-win and the evils of cash shops, but y'all keep buying anyway. That's according to...

Monetization expert: MMOs are dying because of clueless design, not insufficient demand

MMORPG players just love it when somebody declares the MMORPG dead, right? All those games you're playing, all the games we're writing about and...
don't make

What’s it like when you stop being a gold farmer in World of Warcraft?

For a very long time, selling gold in World of Warcraft was a path to making money. It was unethical and against the terms...

EVE Evolved: What’s the deal with EVE’s PLEX changes?

This week CCP Games announced that some big changes are on the way for PLEX in EVE Online. The PLEX or "30-day Pilot's License...

World of Warcraft nixes bonus traits on relics, cracks down on raid RMT

There's always a disclaimer for patches and expansions on test servers that things can and will change over the course of their stay there....
Fight for something, probably, whatever.

The Elysium WoW emulator community is in total meltdown

The Elysium World of Warcraft private server community is in total meltdown, so popcorn at the ready. Most MMORPG players would probably have never heard...

Blizzard: WoW Tokens are ‘harmless’ and ‘make people happier’

In a new interview with Glixel, World of Warcraft Game Director Ion Hazzikostas opened up about the creation and use of WoW Tokens in...

MMO lockboxes, keys, and booster packs: Gambling or gaming?

Lockboxes have become a hot topic over the last couple of years. Last month, both our writers and readers crowned SWTOR worst business model of...

EVE Evolved: 2016 EVE Online year in review

It's been another busy year for sci-fi MMO EVE Online, and an absolute roller coaster ride for both players and developer CCP Games. On the...
Every day, sadly.

Massively Overthinking: The best MMORPG developer quotes of 2016

One of the fun things we implemented on the site this year is a database of quotes from developers (among other entries) that are...

The Game Archaeologist: Mark Jacobs on Mythic’s early online games, part 2

We're back with our second part of an interview retrospective of Mythic Entertainment's early online games with CSE's Mark Jacobs. Last week, we talked...

Tree of Savior plans Thanksgiving events, explains trade restrictions

Cutesy anime sandbox Tree of Savior isn't gonna be one of those MMORPGs that lets Thanksgiving slide, oh no. IMCGames says the game's Harvest...

EVE Online GMs removed at least 25 trillion ISK worth $400,000 from the game

If you've been reading the gaming news this week, you may have heard about the enormous amount of wealth that was recently removed from EVE...

EVE Evolved: Controversy over gambling bans and charities

It's been a crazy, drama-filled week in EVE Online, starting with a controversial change to the EULA that will ban all gambling sites using in-game currency or assets...
EVE Online

EVE Online player promises $75,000 reward for thwarting enemies

If yesterday's CCP crackdown on gambling and RMT in the EVE Online universe wasn't enough drama for you, order some more popcorn for this...