Star Citizen outlines progress on base building, crafting, and mission updates in February report
Like clockwork, Star Citizen has pulled together another monthly progress report to recount development steps made for the previous month, and so that means...
Star Citizen details updates to character item recovery arriving in alpha 4.1 and beyond
The penalty for character death in Star Citizen is going to get a fresh new wrinkle, as CIG has begun to test item recovery...
Star Citizen elaborates on its new cadence and plot-based content release plans
Last week, Star Citizen talked about changes to its content cadence and a primary focus away from adding features and toward introducing content and...
Following layoffs and an exec purge, Star Citizen is slowing down its content and comms cadence
Star Citizen is continuing to beat the drum of its focus on playability and stability in its promised Star Citizen Live broadcast, which brought...
Star Citizen details work on AI and preparation for new and improved missions in January report
We've only started the month of February and gotten details on November and December's work, but it's too late to look back too far...
Star Citizen’s alpha 4.0.1 is such a mess that CIG has cancelled the Red Festival free-fly event
Last December, CIG head Chris Roberts stated an intention for alpha builds of Star Citizen would focus on "decoupling feature development from content creation...
Star Citizen releases the Fight for Pyro event in alpha 4.0 preview, teases new alpha 4.0.1 ship
Star Citizen alpha 4.0 - that is, the "preview" version as opposed to the forked-off alpha 3.24.3 - is getting itself a new event,...
Star Citizen outlines February events – including Lunar New Year – and recaps work on alpha 4.0
If you take Star Citizen's word for it, the month of February is going to be "epic," as its already got a lineup of...
PSA: Star Citizen followers raise the alarm over continued conflicting refund policy messages
If you've been following the discussions around Star Citizen, you might have seen the topic of the sandbox's refund policy come up, perhaps even...
The names of multiple Star Citizen execs ousted before the new year are finally surfacing
Yesterday we reported on the resignation of Carl Jones from his position as chief strategy officer for Star Citizen developer CIG, which appeared to...
Star Citizen’s chief strategy officer publicly resigns from his post at CIG
This news will either be part of another slate of bad omens for developers working on Star Citizen or is just another shuffling of...
Star Citizen alpha 4.0 releases as a ‘preview’ version that runs parallel to the ongoing alpha 3.24.3
CIG promised over and over that Star Citizen would get its alpha 4.0 release before the end of this year, and technically speaking, it...
Star Citizen rounds up the features for alpha 4.0, which is still on track for release by year’s end
There are only a few more weeks left in December, let alone 2024, but Star Citizen is still claiming in its final video digest...
Star Citizen highlights the music that will accompany alpha 4.0’s Pyro system
If you're a fan of the music that thrums along as you play Star Citizen, then you're going to be getting some new audio...
Star Citizen reportedly let go of more staff shortly after CitizenCon wrapped up
It would seem as if the shaky Squadron 42 prologue shared during this year's CitizenCon has caused some firings to occur. Or at least...
Star Citizen discusses larger adjustments coming to its divisive master modes system
The master modes system that was introduced last May in Star Citizen has, by CIG's own admission, generated mixed reception: Some players like what...
Star Citizen teases the Polaris capital ship release and plans for capital ship combat
In internet spaceship naval warfare, sometimes bigger is better, and it doesn't get too much bigger than the Polaris, the upcoming corvette-class capital ship...
Star Citizen launches a new multi-stage Save Stanton event to pad the time until alpha 4.0
There's going to be some time between now and when alpha 4.0 arrives to Star Citizen. So what are players supposed to do in...
Star Citizen marks progress on alpha 4.0’s AI, server meshing, and backend tech in October report
This week is when Star Citizen looks back at the work of last October and condenses it into a developer progress report. Regular followers...
Star Citizen sees sales dip by a significant margin for the month of October
It's long been suggested, both by simple observation and direct developer reports that Star Citizen needs to keep the backer cash flowing in order...