
The Daily Grind: What’s clogging up your main MMO character’s bank right now?

Lord of the Rings Online seems deliberately designed to make even people who enjoy organizing inventories (me) a wee bit crazy about it. I...

The Stream Team: Pustule-popping Plague Star adventures in Warframe

You know what Warframe's Plains of Eidolon needs? Infested! Wait, it doesn't? Oh. Well, unfortunately there is already mysterious meteorite that has crashed just...

EVE Online posts the full patch notes for tomorrow’s Havoc update

Havoc is coming to EVE Online, and not just the kind created by player shenanigans that encourages CCP Games to write headlines and garbage...
Winter in space, Friday in California

EVE Online releases an updated launcher this week, confirms Winter Nexus holiday for December 5

The holidays are coming to EVE Online, but instead of bringing Santa-faced carbonated belch syrup, they're offering up the annual Winter Nexus event on...

Star Citizen’s Intergalactic Aerospace Expo free-to-play event returns November 17

It's part free-to-play event, part internet spaceship sales drive, and all a big hullabaloo: It's the Intergalactic Aerospace Expo, and it's coming back again...

Raph Koster has been warning about the death of games innovation longer than most MMOs have been alive

Veteran MMO developer Raph Koster is no stranger to talking about money in gaming. Our own readers will recall that all the way back...

Destiny 2 resolves to ‘get back up’ as it confirms Season of the Wish for November 28

A common refrain heard in the story missions of Destiny 2 is "Eyes up, Guardian" - a call to stand once again after being...
for lyfe mean for LYFE

PSA: Star Trek Online is slashing the price of its lifetime subscription deal through December 14

If you just can't get enough of that Star Trek Online and want to get all of the exclusive perks available to lifetime subscriptions...

Wayfinder suffers layoffs as Digital Extremes transfers the game fully to Airship Syndicate

Wayfinder hasn't even properly launched out of early access and it's already suffering layoffs. According to Polygon's unnamed sources, Tencent-owned Digital Extremes laid off...
They're not attractive spaceships.

Star Wars Galaxies Legends checks in with dev progress on heroics, deep space comms, and City Update 2.0

If you've been wondering what's on the horizon for the Star Wars Galaxies Legends rogue server, then you're probably going to care about the...

Pearl Abyss Q3 2023: Black Desert’s Land of the Morning Light pulled PA out of its slump

MOP readers might recall that three months ago, the news for Pearl Abyss was looking a bit on the grim side, as the Korean...

Perfect Ten: The single best expansion from 10 MMOs

Holy crud, do I not know that I'm setting myself up for some major pushback today. Oh, I feel that to my core, friends!...

Former SWTOR lead Damion Schubert urges devs to prioritize accessibility in MMOs

When you think of the strengths of Star Wars: The Old Republic as a game, does "accessibility" every come to mind? According to one...
does this look lewd to anyone else

Flameseeker Chronicles: Hands-on with Guild Wars 2 Through the Veil’s Inner Nayos and convergences

Guild Wars 2: Secrets of the Obscure was a bit of a different expansion in that it wasn't one big chunk of content dropped...

The Daily Grind: Do you remember to eat food in your MMO of choice?

I've been obsessed with cooking in MMOs ever since I created a chef empire in original-flavor Star Wars Galaxies. Actually, it probably started well...

Destiny 2’s Bungie addresses layoffs and prior releases as devs express ‘anger, sadness and fear’

This news update is essentially a tale of two sides of the same Destiny 2 coin: On the one side, there's the public-facing statement...

The Game Archaeologist: Firefall, an MMO tragedy about more than just a bus

Back when I first started writing for Massively and was energetic enough to go on trips to trade shows, I hit up a PAX...

Cryptic confirms layoffs, claiming Star Trek Online and Neverwinter aren’t ‘affected’

I wish I could say nobody could've seen this coming, but in fact, everyone did. A few weeks ago, we learned that key Cryptic staffers...

Massively Overthinking: The ‘elements’ of MMOs

MOP reader Nibbana recently posed us a fun question: "As I play my Scrapper in Guild Wars 2, I thought to myself, man, I...

Star Wars: The Old Republic previews the updated Galactic Trade Network on the test server

For those of you who are used to the art of the deal on Star Wars: The Old Republic, you should be aware that...