
Hellbug event makes strange bedfellows of Trove and Defiance

One thing that's quite apparent by now is that Trion Worlds adores its crossover promotions. It's happening again, as Defiance's hellbugs are breaching the...

Amazon reveals new game engine and multiplayer game service

Engines have been big news for MMO players in recent months as indie sandbox The Repopulation's struggles with Hero Engine drove it offline and...
Star Citizen

Star Citizen’s 10 for the Devs on the shooters that influence its combat

Star Citizen Animation Director Steve Bender and Technical Director Sean Tracy helm the game's latest Ten for the Developers video, in which they spend...
Nope, not illustrating this. Have a spaceship.

EVE Online patches in a new camera and skill point trading

The developers behind EVE Online work very hard to make sure that the game is pretty to look at. That's important. But you can...
TIme to pay the pipers indeed.

SWTOR continues the expansion story with today’s Anarchy in Paradise release

It's time to get angry, break things, and start some fires in Star Wars: The Old Republic. Patch 4.1 Anarchy in Paradise arrives today, and...

Skill Trading is coming to EVE Online tomorrow, prices revealed

A few months ago, CCP Games announced its somewhat unorthodox plans to allow EVE Online players to extract and sell their skill points on...

Star Trek Online previews the new Tier 6 flagships

The Odyssey-class cruiser, the Scimitar-class warbird, and the Bortasqu'-class battlecruiser serve as the flagships for each of their respective factions in Star Trek Online....
EVE Online

EVE Online login authentication bug leads to ’emergency downtime’

CCP recently discovered an SSO (single sign-on) bug with EVE Online's test server. The good news is that CCP fixed it. The bad news is...

WildStar’s new game director Chad Moore on the state of the game

Chad Moore is moving up the ranks in Carbine Studios; after a long tenure as the lore expert, Moore is now the director behind...
Jungle catte

WildStar runs a Dungeon Chase through February 18th

There's treasure everywhere on the planet Nexus, even if your definition of "treasure" is on the stricter side. The Big Game Hunters of WildStar...

EVE Evolved: The right way to reboot DUST 514

This week we heard the news that CCP Games will be officially shutting down PS3 online shooter DUST 514 in May to start work on...

WildStar shines the spotlight on queens and battle priests

The one perk of becoming a famous leader is that you'll know that schoolkids some day will have to do reports on you. Wouldn't...

The MOP Up: RuneScape’s TCG wraps up closed beta (February 7, 2016)

The MMO industry moves along at the speed of information, and sometimes we’re deluged with so much news here at Massively Overpowered that some...

One Shots: On a highway to Hell

The Secret World has needed awesome mounts since, oh, day one, and it does my heart good to see players rumble about on hogs,...
Star Citizen

Star Citizen’s Around the Verse on feedback, griefing, and the Starfarer

This week's Star Citizen Around the Verse video is up! Cloud Imperium's Sandi Gardiner and Ben Lesnick discuss PAX South and the ongoing free-fly...

Crowfall explains its skill system with an extensive FAQ

When Crowfall launches, it plans to have upwards of 1,500 skills available for players to choose and train. Before your eyes cross just thinking...

Ask Mo: Re-reviewing MMORPGs and birthday shenanigans

Mo's been collecting letters to the editor for me to address in Ask Mo for the past month or two, and this one from...

Crytek’s online FPS Warface gets new Earthshaker co-op mission

While developer Crytek is well known in the MMO world for developing the engine that powers games such as ArcheAge and Star Citizen, the studio has seen a...

Massively Overthinking: Old MMORPGs, disco, and pop culture phenomena

A reader named Rob provides this week's Massively Overthinking topic. It's a really good one! "Why isn't playing an old MMO from a previous decade...

Elite: Dangerous changes how Horizons is sold, discusses patch 2.1’s focus

Are you confused about the process of upgrading from Elite: Dangerous to the Horizons expansion? Do you find it frustrating and unclear? Have you...