
Official Site: SMITE
Studio: Hi-Rez Studios
Launch Date: March 25, 2014
Genre: Mythological Fantasy MOBA
Business Model: F2P (Cash Shop)
Platform: PC, Xbox One

All the best MMO sales of Black Friday 2017

Step aside, turkey and fambly rage: It's time to buy stuff. Because we don't already unload our wallets the rest of the year on...

SMITE’s Passage to Egypt patch rewards PvE players for besting Loki

Patch 4.22 Passage to Egypt is live in SMITE this week. Its headlining feature? A new "nightmare" difficulty mode for the freebie co-op RPG...

Grab a SMITE Harbinger Nike skin key from Hi-Rez and MOP

Happy Friday! In honor of SMITE's latest Odyssey update and this weekend's Party Up event, Hi-Rez has granted Massively OP a bajillion keys for Harbinger Nike! Click...

The Stream Team: Making it to Muspelheim in SMITE’s newest adventure

Muspelheim or bust! Massively OP’s MJ didn't make it past the first boss during the first stream SMITE’s new Shadows Over Hercopolis adventure to...

The MOP Up: EVE Online eases you into its universe (November 12, 2017)

The MMO industry moves along at the speed of information, and sometimes we’re deluged with so much news here at Massively Overpowered that some...

Whatever happened to Global Agenda, The Realm Online, and Mabinogi?

Ever pause during your day and find yourself wondering, “Whatever happened to that game?” With hundreds upon hundreds of online titles these days, it’s surprisingly easy...

Working As Intended: Guild Wars 2’s new mount licenses are still lockboxes, but they’re not the worst lockboxes

Pretty much everyone assumed that back when Guild Wars 2 planned out mounts, it did so with its cash shop in mind. The game...
Artwork by gqears2gnomes/knight-mj

Guild Wars 2 balances classes and adds spectacular new mounts – for a price

Guild Wars 2 patched in new mounts today, and they're gorgeous. But don't get too excited; they're in gated behind a weird new RNG...

The Stream Team: Slaying SMITE’s new Shadows Over Hercopolis adventure

Massively OP's MJ got to test out SMITE's new Shadows Over Hercopolis adventure over the weekend, and she can't wait to get back in!...

Hands on: Having a blast in SMITE’s new adventure, Shadows Over Hercopolis

Although I have tried, the MOBA side of SMITE isn't quite for me (yet). I'm just not terribly comfortable in the various lane modes...
Community organization is painful.

Halloween events across the MMORPG verse, 2017 edition

Hey, you. Yeah, you, dude leeching candy from the bucket you bought "for the neighborhood kids." And you, lady still trying to decide between...

SMITE’s Tides of China update is live today, overseen by Super Chill Bacchus

Patch 4.20: Tides of China is live in SMITE today, bringing with it seven Chinese quests (eight would have been more auspicious!) and the...

SMITE to fold its Chinese players into the global community

Contrary to popular belief, sometimes server merges can be a very good thing -- especially if your country or region has been kept isolated...

Take home a Hand of the Gods Medusa key in honor of the console closed beta launch

Hi-Rez's turn-based strategy card game Hand of the Gods -- you might recall it better as SMITE Tactics or even its internal name, Hotgods...

The Stream Team: Depart to SMITE’s afterlife in costume with new patch

Who needs to wait until the end of the month to start celebrating Halloween? Certainly not Massively OP's MJ! (She might actually start in...

SMITE 4.1.9 Departure to the Afterlife brings back the Halloween arena and new skins

Halloween is taking over SMITE this month -- and every other MMO and MOBA, of course, but that's OK because it's the best holiday...

SMITE’s Journey to Asgard, Hand of the Gods’ Hindu Pantheon, and The Caster reality show

It's patch day in SMITE, as I remembered this morning when my husband logged in and saw the new "Belly Ache Ymir" skin. Our...

The Stream Team: Watch SMITE arena fun and win an Ultimate God Pack

Wednesday the 13th could be your lucky day. Do you want a SMITE Ultimate God Pack? We bet you do! And we bet you'd...

Perfect Ten: The 10 tiers of MMORPG lore

In which we discuss varying levels of MMO lore effort and Eliot admits he doesn't remember the names of Pac-Man's ghosties.

Snag a Hand of the Gods: SMITE Tactics Norse pack from Hi-Rez and Massively OP in honor of its Steam launch today!

Hi-Rez's turn-based strategy card game Hand of the Gods -- you might recall it better as SMITE Tactics or even its internal name, Hotgods...