star wars

– Star Wars Galaxies
– Star Wars: The Old Republic

Hyperspace Beacon: What you need to know about SWTOR’s Outfit Designer

Update 3.2 for Star Wars: The Old Republic is, in a lot of ways, my update. From the beginning of the game, I wanted to visit...

SWTOR livestream introduces new planet, outfit designer

Star Wars: The Old Republic teased at the Community Cantina and in the producer's letter that 3.2 would be one of the biggest patches...

The Daily Grind: What’s the best MMO for actual roleplaying?

A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away, I was a cantina rat. I would spend the first part of my daily gametime...

Hyperspace Beacon: SWTOR took its first step into competitive gaming and fell on its face

Just when you think that Star Wars: The Old Republic will change things around and actually do something that will appeal to the Killer-type...
This is not that lightsaber, but I care so little I'm not hunting down a picture.

SWTOR’s Choose Your Path promo rewards subbers

Want one of those butt-ugly lightsabers with a black core? You can get one as part of the new Choose Your Path promotion for...

BioWare prepping SWTOR ‘Operation Victory’ tourney

BioWare has partnered with e-sports company ESL Gaming to host a competition dubbed Operation Victory. It involves speed-running eight-player story mode operations from Star...

SWTOR’s Gree event is back through March 3

Dulfy reports that Star Wars: The Old Republic's Relics of the Gree event returns today and continues through March 3rd. The event is intended...

SWTOR dares you to choose your path

A new promotion from the Star Wars: The Old Republic team highlights how players can make key decisions in their characters' story. The following Choose...

Hyperspace Beacon: Eight reasons to return to SWTOR

In the midst of this rebirth of Massively, I found myself suddenly placed in charge of my Star Wars: The Old Republic guild. We are on...
SWTOR agent and Scorpio

SWTOR adds hardmode flashpoints, season four PvP, and double XP

Did you patch up your Star Wars: The Old Republic install yesterday? If not, you'd better hop to it because the 3.1 update added...

SWTOR teases season four PvP rewards

In previous PvP seasons for Star Wars: The Old Republic, players never had a clue what the rewards for their efforts might be until midway through...