star wars

– Star Wars Galaxies
– Star Wars: The Old Republic

Massively Opinionated: Which MMO is the stickiest?

In this episode, Larry, Tina, Cosmic Engine, and Jason debate what makes MMORPGs sticky and which game has done it the best.

The Daily Grind: If it were 2003 again, which MMO would you play?

Fun hypothetical: Let's say that all of us -- including Massively Overpowered -- were thrown back in time 12 years to 2003. There's no...

Hyperspace Beacon: SWTOR’s awful patch 3.2.1 Marauder and Sentinel changes

I like to consider myself a measured person. I try not to give into overblown rants and statements that I cannot take back. Too...

The Daily Grind: How can MMOs design for both vets and newbies?

This morning's Daily Grind question comes to us from Kickstarter donor Specus, who asks, I've seen many games where new players have trouble joining a...

BioWare posts update on SWTOR’s Season 5 win-trading

BioWare community manager Eric Musco posted a brief update on the Star Wars: The Old Republic forums yesterday concerning trolling and win-trading in Season...

The Nar Shaddaa Nightlife event is coming back to SWTOR in June

How do you pronounce Nar Shaddaa? When I was devouring Star Wars books in the 1990s and playing the crap out of the Dark Forces...

Tamriel Infinium: What we know about Elder Scrolls Online’s Imperial City

Even before the PC launch of the Elder Scrolls Online last year, there was something the community pined for: the Imperial City. In my first trip...

The Stream Team: More SWTOR story mission XP and prizes

Earlier this week, Massively OP's MJ and Larry jumped into Star Wars: The Old Republic on the Republic side to take advantage of the 12x...

Raph Koster used MMO design to help revitalize a bar trivia game

You might know Raph Koster from his MMO legacy as a designer on Ultima Online or Star Wars Galaxies, or perhaps from his current...

Massively Opinionated: EVE vs SWTOR vs The Plunderbund

In this episode, Larry, Cosmic Engine, Brendan, and Redna debate MMORPG community platforms, guilds, and building strong communities.

Jukebox Heroes: How Elite: Dangerous’ music put me into a mild coma

You know what gets me righteously angry? I shall tell you. I shall tell you, and then you shall share in my anger, you...

The Stream team: Soaking up SWTOR’s story XP bonus

Star Wars: The Old Republic is tossing out story XP willy-nilly right now, and Massively OP's Larry has talked MJ into diving back in...
What a shock.

Star Wars: The Old Republic brings back the Relics of the Gree

Greetings, black bisector! Or blue acute or yellow nonagon or argyle sinewave; we're not actually very good at the whole Gree dialogue thing. What...

SWTOR players harass a BioWare dev and his family

What do you do when MMO devs mess with your favorite class? If you're a handful of Star Wars: The Old Republic players,...

Star Wars: The Old Republic cracks down on RMT ring

In the MMO community, shady websites selling game currency for real currency are considered especially heinous. In Star Wars: The Old Republic, these operations...
Shards Online

The Daily Grind: Which indie MMO are you looking forward to the most?

When it comes to indie MMOs, there's no shortage of them in development. Shards Online is topping my most anticipated list at the moment,...

Yay, SWTOR is less of a grind (again)

BioWare has outlined its approach to the latest Star Wars: The Old Republic 12x experience event which is now active. The boost enables subscribers to...

Global Chat: What happens to original MMOs when they get sequels?

Telwyn at GamingSF asks a question that I've contemplated from time to time: When an MMO gets a sequel, what happens to the original...

Hyperspace Beacon: SWTOR’s 12x XP leveling guide and Ziost’s finale

Happy Revenge of the Fifth! Because this column comes out on Tuesday, I'm a wee bit behind on wishing you a happy Star Wars...
May 4th

SWTOR is on sale at Amazon for May 4

Am I the only Star Wars fan who realizes that May 4th is a dumb day to celebrate the saga? I get it, someone thought...