starborne frontiers

MMORPG turned ‘squad RPG’ Starborne Frontiers makes its global release on PC

Are you eager to experience a game that our Fight or Kite columnist Sam called "an autobattler with plentiful monetization schemes"? Then you're primed...

Fight or Kite: Starborne Frontiers is an autobattler with plentiful monetization schemes

When Starborne: Frontiers was first announced back in June of 2021 (which, wow, I can’t believe it was that long ago), I was extremely...

Starborne Frontiers, downgraded from a persistent MMO, has soft-launched, but only on mobile

We were all pretty excited back in 2021 when Starborne Sovereign Space developer Solid Clouds announced a persistent MMORPG spinoff called Starborne Frontiers, bringing...

Solid Clouds’ upcoming Starborne Frontiers downgrades from MMORPG to ‘squad RPG’

Last summer, Starborne: Sovereign Space developer Solid Clouds announced plans for a new MMORPG in the Starborne universe called Starborne: Frontiers, promising in its...

Starborne dev announces new sci-fi MMORPG called Starborne Frontiers

MMO players know Starborne: Sovereign Space as a space MMORTS, but if you wanted something more MMORPG-like, then I have good news for you,...