starr long

Slayscape, the procedurally generated battle royale RPG from Shroud of the Avatar’s execs, opens its Steam page

The weird tale of Slayscape continues to unfurl. As a refresher, this self-described blend of battle royale, extraction FPS, and "RPG flavor" with procedurally...

Shroud of the Avatar execs expand on Slayscape, a procedurally generated battle royale RPG

Last March we reported on the discovery of Pangaea, a development studio formed by existing execs of Shroud of the Avatar's Catnip Games --...
yay sure

Shroud of the Avatar devs form new studio to make AI-generated roguelike battle royale Project Rise

If you thought that the waters surrounding some of Shroud of the Avatar's bigwigs weren't muddy before now, things are potentially about to get...

The Game Archaeologist: How Ultima Online got made

You know how there’s that yokel in every global chat channel that likes to troll players by claiming that World of Warcraft was the...

SeedInvest tells Shroud of the Avatar investors that Portalarium eluded its accountability efforts

Shroud of the Avatar has been a black mark on the MMORPG genre, Kickstarted MMOs, and genre founding father Richard Garriott for years, and...

Shroud of the Avatar’s Richard Garriott and Starr Long grant community awards and show off decor items

Recently the devs of Shroud of the Avatar came together in a livestream to talk up the game, give away prizes, and more importantly...
Remember me? Someone is hoping you don't!

The Game Archaeologist: Tabula Rasa

The story of Tabula Rasa begins, as so many others do, with 1997's Ultima Online. Raph Koster and Richard Garriott's online fantasy sandbox proved...
Here we go.

Perfect Ten: The biggest MMO surprises of 2019

After 10 years of covering MMORPG news, I can assure you that I am still fired up to keep doing this. One of the...

Shroud of the Avatar claims move from Portalarium to Catnip will bring ‘positive change’

Honest-to-goodness hope or trying to put a brave face on things? We'll let you decide when you read Catnip Studios' letter following the recent...

Shroud of the Avatar finally admits the Kickstarter book is not happening, offers in-game items instead

Yesterday, we covered the bizarre but perhaps expected news that Portalarium has transferred Shroud of the Avatar and other assets to Catnip Games, which...

Shroud of the Avatar changes hands as Portalarium transfers assets to Catnip Games

Hey you know when's a good time to drop potentially bad news? Underneath somebody else's even bigger bad news. Apparently, today it's going to...

Players held a steamy Release 69 ‘dance party’ in Shroud of the Avatar

We assume most MMO players are at least aware of the more "adult" roleplaying that goes on in the quiet corners of our genre...

Shroud of the Avatar addresses CEO confusion, playerbase ‘re-engagement campaign’

Remember back in the fall of 2018, when there was a flurry of speculation over Shroud of the Avatar as Portalarium's Richard Garriott shed...

Shroud of the Avatar developers address Kickstarter reward novel fulfillment, SEC filings

Over the last few days, we've had a rash of tipsters reaching out to us with concerns about Shroud of the Avatar, and now...

Shroud of the Avatar’s R65 is live with upgrades for performance, pets, and item weight

And it's live: Shroud of the Avatar's 65th release rolled out to players yesterday, meaning you'll have all weekend to break play it. Notably,...

R64 springs into Shroud of the Avatar with city buffs, player dungeon changes, and killer bunnies

Developers of Shroud of the Avatar are still working hard on the Top-10 priorities they mentioned in the Q1 update schedule. Today, they released...

Shroud of the Avatar studio Portalarium temporarily closes office in favor of remote studio

It sounds as if Shroud of the Avatar studio Portalarium has uprooted its home office. "We are nomadic now," Portalarium's Starr Long told players on...

Shroud of the Avatar expands fishing and teleporting with today’s release

Shroud of the Avatar's final update of the year is live later today as Release 61 hits the ground running and the devs get...

Shroud of the Avatar studio Portalarium confirms it’s taken over European publishing from Travian

Back in October, we briefly covered the news that Travian Games, Shroud of the Avatar's European publisher since 2017, appeared to no longer be...

Shroud of the Avatar’s Richard Garriott sheds CEO title for Creative Director role

It looks as if some corporate reorganization is going on over at Shroud of the Avatar studio Portalarium, as Richard Garriott's CEO title has...