
The Stream Team: Concluding Elder Scrolls Online’s Elsweyr prologue

When you are listening to Khajiiti legends in Elder Scrolls Online, you never get the whole story at once! And Massively OP's MJ needs...

Check out Star Citizen’s new ‘environmental AI bounty hunting’ in action

It's still not really ready for primetime after some much-deserved delays, but Star Citizen's 3.5 alpha features a big chunk of content aimed squarely...

The Stream Team: Sailing to AdventureQuest 3D’s Isle of the Dead

If you like islands vacations, there is a new destination spot open in AQ3D! Sail on over to Isle of the Dead and join...

The Stream Team: A Path of Exile mega Memory Nexus map run

Massively OP's MJ has filled her Path of Exile Nexus Map queue with fragments, which means she needs to make many map runs to...

Camelot Unchained continues to unleash hundreds of trebuchets in siege testing

The past few weeks in Camelot Unchained have been all about doing extremely violent things to an extremely pretty castle, and this past week...
You look bony. Are you feeling bony?

Warframe’s latest development stream shows off the Wisp and the new Garuda Deluxe skin

The developers behind Warframe love showing off new frames and new skins, and the most recent development stream involved both. The Wisp is slated...

A first look at Dungeons & Dragons Online’s Masters of Sharn sees goblins and dinosaurs

When a new content update arrives to an MMO, one would likely expect some new baddies to fight. During a broadcast from Twitch streamer...

One Shots: Beauty in profile

Let me be clear on this: You guys always post absolutely amazing pictures. One of the toughest tasks I have every week is picking...

The Stream Team: Launching into a new Rend

With Rend recently launched (and on sale!), now is a great time for Massively OP's MJ to jump back into a new world with...

The Stream Team: Eyeing Warframe’s big Plains of Eidolon refresh

Warframe dropped a pretty hefty patch this week, and part of that was a Plains of Eidolon beautification project. And by beautification, we mean...
Siri play Chariots of Fire.

Cool your jets: Destiny 2’s ‘Crucible isn’t going anywhere’

We've never known the internet to take things to extremes. I have only ever know the internet to be a measured and thoughtful place,...

Lawful Neutral: The future of MMO game design in a streaming gaming world

It’s been an interesting few weeks for gaming. We saw the announcement of Google’s game streaming service, Stadia, and then Apple’s subscribe-to-access game service,...
Warping shadow.

Final Fantasy XIV outlines its patch and information plans leading up to Shadowbringers

We sincerely doubt that any Final Fantasy XIV fans need to be reminded that Shadowbringers releases on July 2nd, with early access beginning on June 28th....

Star Wars The Old Republic travels to a planet far too remote for an effective demonstration, don’t worry

Players in Star Wars: The Old Republic are clearly taking a tour of classic Star Wars planets in the updates leading to the rumored...

The Stream Team: Presents and prologues for Elder Scrolls Online’s 5th birthday

Last time Massively OP's MJ tried to do an Elder Scrolls Online prologue, she was distracted by a huge new house. That won't be...

The Stream Team: SWTOR’s Tatooine balloon ride

Datacrons and balloon rides: The two are inexorably linked in SWTOR. Massively OP's Larry and MJ must fly over the Tatooine sand dunes in...

Tamriel Infinium: The power of community in five-year-old Elder Scrolls Online

Given the volatility in today’s video game industry, it’s nice when an MMO is able to celebrate some longevity. Elder Scrolls Online has not...

The Stream Team: I lava you Conan Exiles

Massively OP's MJ loves fire and loves lava. However, Conan Exiles' volcano was already a bit hot to handle last time she poked in;...

Elder Scrolls Online celebrates five years with events and Indriks

Every year, Elder Scrolls Online celebrates its birthday with a Jubilee Cake and events. This year those events will include giving players outfits that...

The Stream Team: WoW! A stream

WoW! is it really happening? Is Massively OP's MJ really going to stream The Game That Shall Not Be Mentioned? Do you doubt us?...