
The Stream Team: Surviving Fortnite’s holidays

How do you like your holidays? Filled with destruction, assembly, and fights? Well, this may or may not resemble some family get-togethers this time...

CIG delayed its holiday Star Citizen/Squadron 42 stream over technical issues

If you were waiting up for the Star Citizen/Squadron 42 holiday special Around the Verse stream slated for today, looks like you're going to...
Catching up, caching out.

Dark Age of Camelot is developing a free-to-play option for 2018

While many MMO studios wait until January to release their year preview letters (and the lazy ones put it off until Ash Wednesday), Dark...

The Stream Team: Get a free first look at Valnir Rok

One of the new survival sandboxes that Massively OP's MJ has been eager to try is Valnir Rok. And thanks a free day in...

The Stream Team: Celebrating SWTOR’s sixth anniversary with a Voss victory over Vaylin

What better way to celebrate SWTOR's birthday than by beating the bad guy? Massively OP's Larry and MJ are heading out to save Senya...

The Daily Grind: Which MMO had the best 2017 overall?

This is it, people. We are counting down to the final days and hours of 2017, and I know that there is usually this...

The Stream Team: Frostbluff festivities in LOTRO

Visiting the Frostbluff Christmas village in LOTRO is one of the favorite holiday activities of Massively OP's MJ. It's a beautiful setting where you...

The Stream Team: Jump for joy, it’s Guild Wars 2’s Wintersday!

If Guild Wars 2 were to implement an easy version of the Wintersday jumping puzzle, would Massively OP's MJ try it? Yes, yes she...

The Stream Team: Happy launch day Wild Terra!

It's a great day when a game launches! And today's that day for Wild Terra. That means Massively OP's MJ gets to go in...

Survivalbox roundup: CSGO’s survival mode, Astroneer’s alpha, Osiris New Dawn’s Zer, and ARK’s Ragnarok

Welcome back to another fast look at what the survivalboxes are up to! We've got tidbits from ARK, CSGO, Astroneer, and Osiris: New Dawn. First...

The Stream Team: Devilian turns two!

Because Devilian apparently did not want to play nice with the better video card on her laptop, Massively OP's MJ had to wait to...

The Stream Team: Swimming in ARK’s indoor pool

Massively OP's MJ and the crew stormed the castle last time and found a deep pool of water at the bottom. What lies beneath...

The Stream Team: Celebrating Secret World Legend’s Krampusnacht!

Up on the housetop Krampus paws, Those aren't presents in his claws In through the window He breaks right in To punish bad children That live within! Oh no no! You'd better...

MMOs you’ve never heard of: Rogalia, Lazarus, Dead Maze, We Ride, and SOS

Welcome back to our intermittent series on MMOs and other multiplayer games you you’ve never heard of! Let's run down five more floating to the...
Walkin' in a seasonal event.

Christmas happenings in DCUO, Overwatch, Worlds Adrift, and Neverwinter

Faster than the snow can come down and the heating bills go up are all of the holiday events that are streaming into, well,...

Crowfall brings in the Assassin and Ranger for today’s Pre-Alpha 5 test

Even games that haven't technically launched yet are getting into the whole pre-holiday MMORPG frenzy. Take Crowfall, for example: Instead of kicking their feet...

The Stream Team: Making a Mystic in Black Desert Online

It has been a long, long while since Massively OP's MJ made a new character in Black Desert Online, and a new class was...

The Stream Team: Starting SWTOR’s Knights of the Eternal Throne

It finally happened! It took a year, but Massively OP's MJ and Larry have gone from character creation in SWTOR all the way through KOTFE....

Black Desert’s Mystic is fully playable today, just watch out for the yeti

Did ya roll your Mystic last week to get all your free loot in the MMO we just named most underrated of 2017? If...

The Stream Team: Must save the sorceress in The Elder Scrolls Legends’ Act 2

Massively OP's MJ made it all the way through Act 1 of The Elder Scrolls Legends card game last time, and she's ready to...