stretch goals

Gazelle upon my works, ye mighty

The Wagadu Chronicles adds one last stretch goal with just about two days left on the clock

There's no longer a question mark about the funding target for Afro-fantasy MMO The Wagadu Chronicles on Kickstarter; that happened ages ago, and the project...

Book of Travels unlocks new stretch goals based on its success thus far

If the Kickstarter is any indication, Book of Travels has already bewitched a significant number of players with its atmosphere and design. The project has...
Big time.

Ashes of Creation passes the 8,000 backer mark

It's fun times when a Kickstarter is doing so well that the number of backers alone can unlock stretch goals. Ashes of Creation has...

Ashes of Creation sets its sights on crowdfunding stretch goals

After smashing expectations by completely funding its $750,000 Kickstarter campaign in the first 12 hours, Ashes of Creation wants to keep this crowdfunding momentum going...
The fun of getting lost, being upset, and getting annoyed.

Chronicles of Elyria emphasizes technology, identity, and cartography

Chronicles of Elyria has it its funding goal and is aiming at its first stretch goal, which is good news for fans of the...

Chronicles of Elyria nears its funding goal and talks stretch goal plans

The Chronicles of Elyria Kickstarter is going pretty well; as of this writing, it's just about 80% of the way to funding with 24...

Project Gorgon might feature cow-only guilds

Project Gorgon's Kickstarter still has 10 days to go, so the devs at Elder Game have published a new set of stretch goals. They...
This is a cow song.

Project Gorgon unveils musical stretch goals

The Project Gorgon Kickstarter is humming along nicely this time around, and the developers have already passed the $25,000 stretch goal. So what's next...
Do we seize the feature creep or not? Decisions!

Crowfall reaches its graphics programmer stretch goal

Like many big crowdfunded projects, Crowfall didn't stop reaching for stretch goals just because the game's main Kickstarter project ended. The project has hit...

Crowfall lists more stretch goals as KS winds down

Crowfall's latest Kickstarter update lists out a few more funding milestone updates, which is something of a break with tradition given that ArtCraft was...
This dude, but in motion.

Crowfall details mount mechanics as it clears $1.2 million

There's no doubt at this point that Crowfall will be funded, but there is some question about how much extra stuff will be in...

Camelot Unchained busts out a new stretch goal

Camelot Unchained reached the $3,225,000 "Hug the World" stretch goal in its ongoing crowdfunding campaign last night, meaning that City State Entertainment will hire or...

Kickstarter Overpowered: Week three, PAX, and Mo

The Massively Overpowered Kickstarter campaign is nearing $69K with over 1500 backers -- we're still blown away by that! We've got just a week...

Massively Overthinking: Impressions of Crowfall

We've got crows on the brain this week since Crowfall launched its Kickstarter. As of this afternoon, the game is just about 100k shy of...