
Subscription MMOs are generally those that restrict play to gamers who pay an ongoing fee, usually monthly, though shorter and longer subscriptions, as well as lifetime subs, do exist. Some free-to-play and buy-to-play games also include optional subscriptions.

Oh my.

Massively Overthinking: Are MMORPG players a minority in their own genre?

Deep in the comments of the MMOs-vs.-survival-sandboxes thread from last week, reader miol_ produced a beautiful comment about how MMO players have become a...

World of Warcraft’s Dog makes the journey from garrison to Dalaran

World of Warcraft garrisons these days are a sad, lonely place. They're still there, of course, languishing on Draenor as a monument to yet another...
I'll just leave, if I want.

Battle Bards Episode 97: The sound of magic

“Magic can be ANYthing!” The forces of magic run deep within MMORPGs, casting shadows of wonder wherever we look — and listen. In today’s show,...
This. They're this.

Leaderboard: Where do you draw the line between griefing and roleplaying?

On the Morrowind subreddit a few days ago, a player was recounting a particular roleplay-slash-griefing episode on a hardcore-roleplay Ultima Online emulator. The player...

Popular World of Warcraft YouTuber passes away from cancer

On a sad note this week, a much-loved World of Warcraft YouTuber has passed away following a battle with a rare form of cancer. In a...

World of Warcraft’s Hazzikostas on content creep and the future of the game

Hey, it turns out that designing long-term MMORPGs that aren't pump-and-dump schemes is hard! That's the takeaway from a new PC Gamer interview with Blizzard's...

Global Chat: Which MMO developer do you most appreciate?

Recently, Ravalation carried on an annual blogger tradition called Developer Appreciation Week. During this week, gamers would put aside their usual vitriol and criticism...

Dark Age of Camelot welcomes back old players, Ultima Online discusses summer updates

Broadsword's keeping fans of its MMORPGs Dark Age of Camelot and Ultima Online busy this week! Dark Age of Camelot is running a Come Back...

Massively OP Podcast Episode 114: Moving to the big city

Justin and Bree discuss LOTRO, Guild Wars 2, WoW, Ashes of Creation, Carbine, Marvel Heroes, and Project Gorgon, with mailbag questions on the joys of Trove and the plight of MMO pets.
With a bullet.

Final Fantasy XIV announces the last PlayStation 3 login campaign and a new Amazon promotional campaign

With the release of its second expansion, Final Fantasy XIV will no longer be supported on the PlayStation 3. There's a free upgrade to...
Thinking over.

Wisdom of Nym: Final Fantasy XIV: Heavensward in review – leveling content

At least we're finally thought the story. While we walk through a review of Final Fantasy XIV: Heavensward in its totality, we've taken three...

This player is rebuilding Ultima Online in Wurm Online

One of the best parts of Wurm Online's Unlimited version is that players can run wild with their own custom servers, tailoring them to...
A trial.

Final Fantasy XIV posts the dates for its upcoming data center move

If you're playing on the North American data centers for Final Fantasy XIV, you've been given ample warning that the centers are moving. That's...

The MOP Up: Aion has spring fever (April 23, 2017)

The MMO industry moves along at the speed of information, and sometimes we’re deluged with so much news here at Massively Overpowered that some...
We're going to fight until you're dead and your land is ours.

Camelot Unchained continues its ‘interesting and longer-than-expected journey’

Swinging axes, autumn in the spring, and new office space: This is just another week in the life of the Camelot Unchained team (they...

LOTRO Legendarium: A marvelous decade of Middle-earth

The first I ever heard of Lord of the Rings Online was flipping through the pages of some gaming magazine back in early 2007....
You should be better at this.

The Soapbox: Lessons Secret World Legends failed to learn from Final Fantasy XIV

I've mentioned many a time that I like Funcom quite a bit. I want to like Funcom quite a bit. Heck, I want to...

NetEase soft-launches WoW-like mobile MMORPG Crusaders of Light today

Soft-launching today on both the iOS and Android markets is a new mobile MMORPG from Netease dubbed Crusaders of Light. It was originally released...
Holy elves, Elfman!

World of Warcraft slightly nerfs the brutal artifact challenge

A hotfix that went into World of Warcraft yesterday decreased the damage of the new mage tower artifact challenge that has been kicking the...

Funcom’s Joel Bylos on the difference between MMOs and survival sandboxes

Funcom's Joel Bylos features in a Twitch interview on Gamasutra this week talking up Conan Exiles and explaining the core difference between server-based survival...