
Subscription MMOs are generally those that restrict play to gamers who pay an ongoing fee, usually monthly, though shorter and longer subscriptions, as well as lifetime subs, do exist. Some free-to-play and buy-to-play games also include optional subscriptions.

CCP announces Carrier Assault patch for EVE: Valkyrie VR shooter

CCP has today announced a free update for VR-centric EVE: Valkyrie, the star of which is a new game mode called Carrier Assault. "Until now...
Oh, no, I have to list this among my past acting credits!

Editorial: The Warcraft film is absolutely awful

A film does not have to be good to be entertaining. I hold that as a pretty firm truth. Snakes on a Plane, for...

Landmark bombs on Steam while WildStar fans deliver positivity

It was probably inevitable that Landmark's official launch on Friday afternoon -- against the Warcraft movie and pre-E3 hoopla and following basically zero PR...
Flops MacKenzie

Warcraft film hits a roundly disappointing $24.4 million opening in the US

It might seem a bit baffling that the Warcraft film was released in China well before it was released in the United States (which...

EVE Evolved: Four PvE improvements EVE needs

EVE Online is typically thought of as being a heavily PvP-oriented game, and for good reason. Players can attack each other anywhere in the...

The MOP Up: EverQuest gets hardcore (June 12, 2016)

The MMO industry moves along at the speed of information, and sometimes we’re deluged with so much news here at Massively Overpowered that some...

One Shots: Fire + ice = mess

What do you get when you mix fire and ice? A steamy combination of incredible pictures... and an awful mess. Steampower Girl noticed that in...

The Soapbox: Sharing MMORPGs with my kids

"Dad, can I pilot your ship tonight?" I turn around to see my seven-year-old son giving me Bambi eyes with his hands clasped because, somewhere...

Camelot Unchained shows environmental art, teases major announcement

Camelot Unchained fans know that there's always a lot to unpack from each week's lengthy newsletters. And while there's a lot to chew on...

WoW dev vows ‘richer patch content lineup for Legion’

More news is emerging from the Blizzard summit in Irvine this week. Kotaku's World of Warcraft interview touches on a number of topics, including...
So many colors in the rainbow.

Perfect Ten: MMORPGs with distinct visual styles

Given the choice, I am always going to pick a game with stylized graphics over realistic ones. This is for many reasons; it's partly...
Just whenever you get around to us, it's cool.

World of Warcraft: Legion is getting an animated Illidan short

Considering that Illidan Stormrage is the origin of all of the Demon Hunters double-jumping around in World of Warcraft: Legion you wouldn't be surprised...
cut cut cut

Final Fantasy XIV reveals its E3 plans

Are you already tired of Final Fantasy XIV's most recent patch? If so, well, what the heck do you want? You got a whole...

Happy Steam launch day, WildStar

WildStar is officially live on Steam now as announced earlier this week. Carbine is kicking off the launch with the return of the Space...

Superdata: WoW, Lineage, SWTOR, TERA, and Blade & Soul top April P2P online games revenues

Superdata has a new seasonal report out on the state of the digital games market. The research firm's April figures show that World of...

The Warcraft movie is going gangbusters in China

Poor overall film reviews or no, Warcraft is most certainly going to make some nice bank this summer. The movie opens in the US...

Nostalrius team believes Blizzard ‘want[s] to have legacy WoW servers’

The World of Warcraft vanilla emulator team Nostalrius, which undertook a mission into the depths of Blizzard's HQ this past weekend, has returned and...

Final Fantasy XI details its June login rewards

Every month, Final Fantasy XI offers players a nice and straightforward way to get rewarded for logging in: a login campaign. You log in,...

WildStar preps for tomorrow’s Steam release

Is this WildStar's last shot at stabilizing and becoming profitable for the indefinite future? There's a lot riding on tomorrow's Steam release, and Carbine...

Global Chat: Is casual raiding important for MMOs?

When it comes to the subject of raiding, one might get the impression that there are only two factions involved: those who are hardcore...