
Subscription MMOs are generally those that restrict play to gamers who pay an ongoing fee, usually monthly, though shorter and longer subscriptions, as well as lifetime subs, do exist. Some free-to-play and buy-to-play games also include optional subscriptions.

The Daily Grind: Do we have a right to play the games we actually buy?

Yesterday's Extra Credits video sends the RC team diving into the Nostalrius issue, but don't start groaning yet: The video initially zips past the...
Try your luck.

Final Fantasy XIV brings a new event to the Gold Saucer

Has your fervor for the Gold Saucer died down a bit? It's understandable if it has. That emporium of minigames and fantastic prizes hasn't...
Holy arts.

World of Warcraft’s latest patch aims to clean up low-level play

The lower levels of World of Warcraft are kind of a mess and a half. Once you get to Outland at 60 or so,...
Flops MacKenzie

The first Warcraft movie reviews are in, and they’re not good

It may be that you were still holding on to some hope somewhere in your mind that Warcraft was going to be a good...
You're so cool you're chilly.

WildStar is apparently hitting Steam on June 1st (Update: Maybe not?)

WildStar's Steam page has been updated with an apparent launch date: June 1st. The Steam page itself went live sans promises back in April, but...

The Daily Grind: What race are you dying to play in your MMORPG?

There are few things more aggravating than to see an awesome race in your MMO -- and then being told that you can't play...

Global Chat: Snap judgments of Overwatch

The talk of the blogger town has definitely been abuzz with impressions, thoughts, and snap judgments of Overwatch as it heads to release. Is...

Massively OP Podcast Episode 66: Meridian 59’s Brian Green

Justin interviews Brian Green, who's worked on Meridian 59, Storybricks, EverQuest Next, and Camelot Unchained in his long MMORPG career.

Wisdom of Nym: Final Fantasy XIV’s lingering quality-of-life issues

The next big Final Fantasy XIV patch is bringing us flowerpots and new housing plots. These are both good things. The housing plot prices...
What we do

Get the rundown on what we know of Camelot Unchained’s classes

Quickly, how much do you know about Camelot Unchained's classes? Do you know all of them? Do you know how they work? Would you...
What is even happening now

Final Fantasy XIV’s live letter reveals more about patch 3.3

The next major patch for Final Fantasy XIV is arriving on June 7th, and just like other patches, it's bringing quite a lot of...
The fun of getting lost, being upset, and getting annoyed.

The Daily Grind: How long do you expect a 2016 MMORPG to live?

One of the many features touted by Chronicles of Elyria is a 10-year storyline, over the span of which your characters will "die" probably 10...

One Shots: Post-murder spree bliss

When all of the enemy mobs lie defeated at your feet and you've rifled through their corpses for any valuables, there's this precious slice...

Leaderboard: Do you go light side or dark side in MMORPG factions?

We’ve been following gaming research firm Quantic Foundry since last year as it's been publishing datasets and conclusions based on its Gamer Motivation Model....
Well, it's a nice lake, at least.

Camelot Unchained shows off weapon concepts and the growing world

One of the big elements of Camelot Unchained's design philosophy is the difference between its three factions. It wouldn't make a lot of sense...
Do this differently.

WoW Factor: Alternative content release models for WoW and beyond

It has been noted in the past that I am a big fan of having big, show-stopping expansions released for games. I will not...

AdventureQuest 3D is the cross-platform MMORPG that might hook you

If you're anything like me, you've hopefully realized that there can be just as much anticipation in your life over small, interesting games as with...
Ramp everything.

The Daily Grind: Is MMO ‘open’ development really good for the genre?

Massively OP's Andrew Ross and I were recently discussing how to approach an opinion piece on Chronicles of Elyria when he reminded me that...

Perfect Ten: My highlights from pre-launch MMO hype

Maybe the hype and anticipation of an upcoming MMORPG leaves you feeling burned out and turned off these days. Considering that some titles can...

World of Warcraft now bundles Warlords of Draenor in with base game

There comes a time in every boy or girl's life where changes start happening. Yes, it might be scary, but it's also exciting because...