
Subscription MMOs are generally those that restrict play to gamers who pay an ongoing fee, usually monthly, though shorter and longer subscriptions, as well as lifetime subs, do exist. Some free-to-play and buy-to-play games also include optional subscriptions.

All right, this one did have some pretty annoying moments.

Final Fantasy XIV previews the story and dungeons of patch 3.3

The Dragonsong War is coming to a close, but it will not do so without more blood shed. Final Fantasy XIV players have been...
What is even happening now

Final Fantasy XIV posts a teaser for its next two dungeons

The next two dungeons to be added to Final Fantasy XIV's lineup are not a secret - players will be exploring the brand-new Sohr...

CCP announces Gunjack Next for Google Daydream

EVE Gunjack is getting a sequel, and it's an exclusive for Google's Android-based Daydream VR platform, which itself was announced just today. Gunjack Next --...

World of Warcraft will have no gold costs on rearranging talents but will limit it to certain areas

There is no actual gold cost for swapping around your specs or talents in the next World of Warcraft expansion. That's gone. You want...

The Daily Grind: Do big MMO announcements get you to come back?

I hate the thought that I'm a wishy-washy gamer, easily influenced by big PR announcements and current trends, but I'd be lying if I...

World of Warcraft will unlock Gnome Hunters before the expansion launch

World of Warcraft's next new race/class combination will be playable before Legion launches. Blizzard announced yesterday that players will be able to roll (or change...
How are you this way.

Massively OP Podcast Episode 65: Make yourself at home

Justin and Bree discuss Gigantic, NCsoft, WildStar, KingsIsle, Star Trek Online, Legion, and Crowfall, plus a mailbag question on media embargoes.

WildStar’s soundtrack is finally coming to market

One of the most requested MMORPG soundtracks of the current era is finally coming to market, causing every rowsdower in the galaxy to start jitterbugging...
Someone thinks this is neat.

Go to see the Warcraft movie, get a free copy of World of Warcraft

Do you somehow not have a copy of World of Warcraft? It's weird, but it happens. But now you can get it for just...

Mark Kern to deliver Nostalrius petition to Blizzard next week

The Nostalrius team isn't the only one heading to Irvine to meet with Blizzard: The ex-WoW, ex-Firefall developer Mark Kern says he's locked in...
We all began with good intents.

WildStar’s lead writer is gone too

Over the weekend, former WildStar Product Director Mike Donatelli and Design Director Chris Behrens announced on Twitter that their last day working for Carbine...
It did, at least, address the issue, but MCH didn't fix the problem.

Final Fantasy XIV posts a teaser site for this year’s Fan Festival

The next Final Fantasy XIV fan festival is coming, bringing with it news about the next FFXIV expansion (we all know it's coming), live...
Someone will get that reference.

Final Fantasy XI celebrates 14 years of operation

It's been 14 years since Final Fantasy XI launched in Japan, and while the august game might be slowing down a bit, it sure...
My track record has been pretty good!

Wisdom of Nym: Final Fantasy XIV’s class weaknesses and why they matter

The other day, I was browsing the official Final Fantasy XIV forums for a reason I can no longer recall. I am sure it...

Nostalrius heads to Blizzard in June

Blizzard's promise to meet with the team behind vanilla World of Warcraft emulator Nostalrius was more than just lip service; the amateur devs reported...

EVE Evolved: CCP Games on the future of EVE Online’s PvE

It's no secret that EVE Online has always been a primarily PvP-focused game, with thousands of players smashing fleets of ships together on a daily basis....

Ultima Online tests invasion quest, teases future content

It's May, so that means it's time to start planning for Halloween, right? Well, maybe if you're Ultima Online. In the game's latest newsletter,...

The MOP Up: Blizzard’s mobile prospects (May 15, 2016)

The MMO industry moves along at the speed of information, and sometimes we’re deluged with so much news here at Massively Overpowered that some...
But robots.

WildStar loses more developers as Donatelli, Behrens depart

Update: We've updated below with Carbine's statement to Massively OP. WildStar appears to have lost more staff this weekend: Both Mike Donatelli and Chris Behrens told...

One Shots: You put a spell on me

One of the very few MMORPGs that my wife and I ever played together was Wizard101, and I think most of that time involved...