
See: Star Wars: The Old Republic

Massively Overthinking: The stories inside MMORPGs

This week's topic comes to us from one of our dear Patrons, Roger. "I love stories, and some games tell great stories. MMOs have trouble...

The Daily Grind: What race are you dying to play in your MMORPG?

There are few things more aggravating than to see an awesome race in your MMO -- and then being told that you can't play...

Global Chat: Snap judgments of Overwatch

The talk of the blogger town has definitely been abuzz with impressions, thoughts, and snap judgments of Overwatch as it heads to release. Is...

Tamriel Infinium vs. Hyperspace Beacon: Elder Scrolls Online and SWTOR as storytelling giants

I think it’s all but obvious that Elder Scrolls Online and Star Wars: The Old Republic are enriched with lore. The Star Wars universe,...

The Stream Team: Starting SWTOR’s Shadow of Revan for real

Every time MassivelyOP's MJ thought she would start SWTOR's Shadow of Revan expansion, she'd be tossed another prelude task. But now she's finally diving into...

Perfect Ten: My highlights from pre-launch MMO hype

Maybe the hype and anticipation of an upcoming MMORPG leaves you feeling burned out and turned off these days. Considering that some titles can...

Hyperspace Beacon: Four fantastic SWTOR YouTubers you should follow

With Star Wars: The Old Republic approaching its fifth anniversary, the players creating fresh content have shifted. Even the column you’re reading right now...

One Shots: You put a spell on me

One of the very few MMORPGs that my wife and I ever played together was Wizard101, and I think most of that time involved...

The Daily Grind: How bad is your MMO altoholism?

Recently, Larry and I were talking about how much of an altoholic he is in Star Wars: The Old Republic. I think he admitted...

Star Wars: The Old Republic announces Mandalore’s Revenge, coming June 3rd

BioWare has just announced Mandalore's Revenge, the next chapter in Star Wars: The Old Republic's Knights of the Fallen Empire storyline. More than that,...

Hyperspace Beacon: Truly immersing yourself in Star Wars: The Old Republic

I have long been a proponent of roleplaying in MMOs. I’ve often been the roleplayer’s spokesperson on different podcasts and new media broadcasts. I’ve...
happy birthday to me

The Daily Grind: What do you think about NPC party members in MMORPGs?

I've been thinking a lot about classic Guild Wars lately -- the anniversary always does this to me. And one of my favorite parts...

Massively Overthinking: The sandbox MMORPG disconnect

This week's Massively Overthinking was inspired by a reader who decided to go by Sandboxless in Seattle when he penned this note of frustration to us. I...

Waxing philosophical about SWTOR companions with BioWare’s Charles Boyd

Just in time for this week's May the Fourth festivities, I spoke to Star Wars: The Old Republic’s Charles Boyd. He currently holds the title...

EverQuesting: The gaffe of gating EverQuest II’s content behind a sub

With last week's release of GU100 in EverQuest II, an interesting conversation reared its head again -- a not necessarily flattering one for Daybreak. While...
da da da da da da

Star Wars: The Old Republic will add weapon tunings outside of the cash shop

Cosmetic options are a very big part of Star Wars: The Old Republic, so adding a new cosmetic option to the game is going...

The Stream Team: May the Fourth (and free cartel packs) be with you in SWTOR

What's better than spending May the fourth (be with you) in SWTOR? Spending it with MassivelyOP’s Larry and MJ in SWTOR! The duo continues...

Hyperspace Beacon: SWTOR’s heist-themed ‘Profit and Plunder’ chapter stole the show, literally

I believe there is only one word to describe Chapter 13 for Knights of the Fallen Empire: cute. For the six chapters prior to...

Massively OP Podcast Episode 63: Leisure suit Larry

Justin and Larry discuss pristine WoW servers, TSW, Trove, Champs Online, SWTOR, lockboxes, and birthdays in CoH, LOTRO, and Guild Wars.

Star Wars: The Old Republic game update 4.4 brings Eternal Championship, weapon customization, and more

Ladies, gents, and Wookiees, make sure you have your bowcaster strapped securely, for Star Wars: The Old Republic is embarking on Game Update 4.4 tomorrow. The...