First Impressions: The War Within breathes new life into World of Warcraft
After being mostly disappointed with Dragonflight, I was wondering if my decision to return to World of Warcraft for the Worldsoul Saga was a...
The Soapbox: WoW’s talent trees don’t deserve your nostalgia
As World of Warcraft's Dragonflight expansion marches into alpha testing, we're getting more glimpses at its new/old talent system, which harkens back to the...
GDC 2021: How smarter AI could build characters and decks to help new MMO players
There's a bit of a theme at GDC 2021 concerning online card games, especially TCGs, and smart tech/deep learning AI. At a panel this...
World of Warcraft’s talent reshuffle is meant to bring ‘more meaningful choice’ to players
We trust it hasn't escaped your attention that your current World of Warcraft talent build won't be surviving Legion's launch intact. The talent system...
World of Warcraft will have no gold costs on rearranging talents but will limit it to certain areas
There is no actual gold cost for swapping around your specs or talents in the next World of Warcraft expansion. That's gone. You want...
WoW Factor: The view from outside the Legion alpha test
I've been paying rapt attention to the ongoing-though-paused World of Warcraft Legion alpha tests because said tests are looking good. That's a positive. Whilst the actual...
WoW Factor: In praise of Warlords of Draenor
I've made no secret of the fact that I consider Warlords of Draenor to be a sub-par expansion. My opinion on that has not...