
See: The Daily Grind

It's all gone to hell!

The Daily Grind: Will Blizzard announce the next World of Warcraft expansion at BlizzCon 2017?

With World of Warcraft's 7.3 Shadows of Argus mega-patch launching next week, speculation in the community has turned once again to what comes after Argus....

The Daily Grind: What’s your comfort MMO?

In all of the years that I've been playing MMORPGs, I've noticed that it is far, far easier to return to a known property...

The Daily Grind: Do MMORPG studios worry too much about player retention?

Back in March, we used a Richard Bartle blog post to discuss retention in MMOs and how developers could up their stickiness factor. But in...
But not of-the-year material.

The Daily Grind: Do you expect MMO expansions to include new classes, or is a new spec good enough?

Back when Guild Wars 2's Path of Fire was announced, a number of our commenters sparred over whether or not the game's elite specs...
We represent the short-term planning guild!

The Daily Grind: What are you proud of accomplishing in an MMO?

Sometimes I wonder if my list of accomplishments in the games that I've played is worth anything. I certainly did not have multiple 75s...

The Daily Grind: What’s a rite of passage in your MMO?

Lately I've been playing a new Hobbit Hunter in Lord of the Rings Online, which has the added benefit of bringing me back to...

The Daily Grind: What MMO would you like to see dump its branding or IP?

On Tuesday, Daybreak formally announced that the neglected PvE half of H1Z1, Just Survive, would be shedding its H1Z1 branding once and for all. The...
Where now?

The Daily Grind: Do you like being lost in MMOs?

In Final Fantasy XI, my first MMO, maps were few and far between, often blindingly unclear, and offered as many opportunities to be hopelessly...

The Daily Grind: Which MMO class do you love to have at your back in dungeons?

We have all talked at length about which classes we prefer to play, but adventuring around in MMOs sometimes involves being with (gasp) other...

The Daily Grind: Have you ever felt the need to cut back on your MMORPG playtime?

A couple of months ago, Lifehacker ran an article that might just save somebody: It's titled How to Cut Back on Playing Video Games,...
Vivid lore also allows for more nuanced silliness.

The Daily Grind: Are you a fan of Guild Wars 2’s non-traditional mounts?

Mounts are the big new thing in Guild Wars 2's Path of Fire expansion, and as I've previously mentioned, I was initially concerned about...

The Daily Grind: Which MMO has the most attractive cosmetic options?

There are a lot of games out there with really great cosmetic systems. But a great system in and of itself doesn't mean that...

The Daily Grind: Which style of MMO combat do you enjoy the most?

MMOs are nothing if not deeply invested in combat as a core system, and as such, developers have come up with every fighting style...
Now imagine you're dragging a sack.

The Daily Grind: How long before an MMO or expansion launch do you want to know about it?

I admit to being worried about Guild Wars 2's Path of Fire expansion release as the year wore on and we'd still heard nothing....
You know what you are, you're gonna be a star.

The Daily Grind: What’s your favorite MMO meme?

Despite its long-term status as a meme generation machine, World of Warcraft is actually a game. It's just a game where some of its...
If I had known then what I know now, I... would have felt no different, really, but it might have mitigated stuff.

The Daily Grind: Is there any hope for WildStar?

It's no secret that WildStar has, for the duration of its existence, underperformed and struggled to find a large and steady audience. Even with...

The Daily Grind: What’s the best MMORPG for gamers who are sick of raiding?

In the middle of the conversation spawned by yesterday's financial news that Guild Wars 2 had seen its worst revenue quarter since launch, several...
All good!

Guild Wars 2: Loot rumors, RNG grumblings, character boosters, and map spoilers

Guild Wars 2 Path of Fire detail rumors are swirling as info (and disinfo) is trickling back from the test environment. Here's a few of...

The Daily Grind: What’s the most important feature of MMO inventory systems?

A couple of weeks ago, we ran a story on ARK Park that included the image above, which just cracked me up. I mean,...
Personally I actually really enjoy DRK's kit this expansion, but it does lack the punchy utility of the other tank jobs.

The Daily Grind: What was the funniest group you ever had in an MMO?

There are lots of things that I love about dungeons in Final Fantasy XIV, but one of the many is the way that you...