the sims online

Official Site: The Sims Online (Wikipedia)
Studio: Maxis, EA
Launch Date: December 26, 2002
Sunset Date: August 1, 2008
Genre: Real-life MMORPG
Business Model: Subscription
Platform: PC

The Game Archaeologist’s ultimate MMO archives, 2024 edition

While MMORPGs constitute a shifting, ever-evolving market, their history remains surprisingly evergreen. That's what history is: Facts and stories stamped and preserved for our...

EA says it won’t replace The Sims 4 with a sequel as it preps fall playtest for multiplayer Project Rene

The fate of The Sims franchise in the last few years has been a little bit messy: EA has been working on what it...
Something fell.

The Game Archaeologist’s ultimate MMO archives v7.0

Once again we put a wrap on another year of MMORPG news, opinions, and -- most pertinent to this column -- history. In a...

The Game Archaeologist: The Sims Bustin’ Out, the online Sims game nobody remembers

Many gamers who complete that Venn diagram of being fans of both MMOs and The Sims no doubt will be familiar with the tragically...
Days late and many dollars short.

The Sims 5 developers are looking to Animal Crossing and Among Us for multiplayer inspiration

If the promise of multiplayer in The Sims 5 (technically still Project Rene but let's not front) brings you memories of The Sims Online,...

The Game Archaeologist: Coca-Cola’s crazy virtual hangout

Part of the sheer joy and fun of the early online world of the late '90s and early 2000s was the experimentation that took...

The Soapbox: MMO housing is so much more than a frivolous feature

When The Sims launched in 2000, what seemed like a dull and laughable concept on paper proved to be one of the most compelling...

Massively Overthinking: That moment when you realize an MMO is truly something special

MOP commenter Bruno tweeted something the other that that I thought would make a fun topic. Here's what he said, printed with permission: "Wanna know...

The Sims 5 will be multiplayer – but not an MMO

To those holding a torch of hope that The Sims 5 might be The Sims Online incarnate, Maxis has some bad news for you...

The Game Archaeologist’s ultimate MMO archives v6.0

And that's a wrap on this year in history! While everyone says farewell to 2022, here at TGA we're always looking way back at...

The next Sims game aka ‘Project Rene’ will apparently offer some sort of multiplayer

Longtime MMORPG vets have... let's call it history with The Sims franchise thanks to The Sims Online, which wasn't so much an MMO as...
There was so much potential.

Perfect Ten: Abrupt MMO sunsets that shocked us

Not all MMO sunsets are equal, when you look at them. Sure, all impact players who made those games a home, but some titles...

Massively OP Podcast Episode 371: Upending the mailbag

Justin and Bree dip into the mailbag for discussions on MMO streamlining, vehicles vs. avatars, casual-friendly economies, guild projects and progression, changes to MMOs we don't play, compelling crafting, and other cool MMO sites.

The Game Archaeologist’s ultimate MMO archives v5.0

It has been another thrilling year of exploring the relatively unknown or forgotten lands of MMORPG history here in The Game Archaeologist. From projects...
I'll be gone soon.

Massively Overthinking: MMO ideas that were ahead of their time

I'm gonna say something wild right now: In some ways, CliffyB was ahead of his time. My husband and I came to this realization...
So here's the deal.

The Daily Grind: What cancelled MMOs deserve a rogue server?

As a historian, game preservationist, and general MMORPG geek, it does my heart good to see players do their best to restore and operate...

The Game Archaeologist: EA’s Motor City Online

When we use the shorthand "MMO" for online games, it's always assumed that we're talking about swords-and-sorcery or sci-fi RPGs. However, the massively multiplayer...

The Game Archaeologist’s ultimate MMO archives v4.0

By far, my favorite column to write here at Massively OP (and the one that always takes the longest) is The Game Archaeologist. I've...

The MOP Up: Sims Online’s rogue server goes sunbathing

FreeSO, the rogue server for the late Sims Online, is getting into the spirit of the season with a whole bunch of beach- and...

Massively Overthinking: Would you play a housing-only MMO?

Last week, MOP's Justin put up a neat post on his personal blog about the potential for bringing back just the part of WildStar...