the sims online

Official Site: The Sims Online (Wikipedia)
Studio: Maxis, EA
Launch Date: December 26, 2002
Sunset Date: August 1, 2008
Genre: Real-life MMORPG
Business Model: Subscription
Platform: PC

EA has put the kibosh on a player-run Battlefield emulator – are MMOs next?

We don't cover the Battlefield games much on Massively OP, but this particular story caught my attention anyway because of the company and subject...

Massively Overthinking: Is open-world housing really a ‘failed’ MMORPG experiment?

Massively OP's Justin Olivetti has a provocative article on his personal gaming blog, Bio Break, this week on MMORPG housing. "I once again wonder why...

The Sims Online emulator project deals with the inevitable cease-and-desist from EA

It looks like any hopes of a Sims Online resurrection as a fan emulator project might be put to rest for good. The creator of...

The Daily Grind: Was The Sims Online a good idea done badly?

As a gamer, I have many regrets that certain projects never came to fruition or the ones that did ended up not being quite...

The Sims Online emulator might be launching soon

In just two weeks, a long-forgotten social MMORPG might be making a comeback. The team behind FreeSO, a Sims Online emulator, announced on Twitter yesterday...

Sims Online emulator’s test server sees strong community interest

The underground revival of The Sims Online is seeing marked interest from the community, as players are checking out the current FreeSO beta. In...

Battle Bards Episode 93: It’s a madhouse!

It’s taken this long, but the Battle Bards have gone completely and irreversibly insane in the membrane! Today the team cracks open the door...

Perfect Ten: MMORPGs that walk on the weird side

In third grade, my teacher sent home a report card with the note that "Justin is wonderfully strange." Ever since then, I never found the...

New Sims Online emulator shifts from open to closed beta following excessive player demand

'Tis the season for emulators! Think back to 2002 MMORPG The Sims Online, what our own Justin Olivetti once called "an interesting failed experiment"...

Massively Overthinking: The classes MMORPGs never do

No one wants to play Uncle Owen, a certain MMORPG exec famously said -- except, you know, for all the people who really, really...
Actually developing a title to not be a boring slog is a skill some developers have yet to master.

Perfect Ten: The worst-squandered IPs in online gaming

There are always going to be differences in opinion about what should be done with an IP based upon a franchise. That's just natural....

Jukebox Heroes: Great tunes from dead MMOs

When a beloved MMORPG is canceled, it doesn't entirely vanish without a trace. After all, there are thousands (if not millions) of eyewitnesses with...

Jukebox Heroes: Six forgettable MMOs with unforgettable soundtracks

I have often thought it grossly unfair that a video game soundtrack is linked, for better and for worse, with the popularity of the...

The Game Archaeologist: The Sims Online

The Sims Online was one of the odder entrants into the MMO genre, an online iteration of an immensely popular game franchise that promised...

Perfect Ten: Combat-free MMOs

If there's one thing that always, always goes with MMOs, it's combat. I mean, we can't be a hero without killing something, right? We...