
See: The Secret World

Vitae Aeternum: New World Aeternum’s open beta build is actually pretty good – but will it be enough?

Starting this Friday, Amazon Games will be running an open beta test for New World's soft relaunch as Aeternum. Before then, the studio offered...

One Shots: Save the teddy bear, save the world

In any other MMO, a child's teddy bear is usually nothing more than a sign of innocence or an environmental storytelling cue. In The...
Still here!

Perfect Ten: Underrated MMOs that deserve a second look in 2024

We've all been there at one time or another. We've been playing the same-old favorite MMO for a long time and then suddenly feel...

One Shots: Funcom never could get children right

If you ever played The Secret World, then nod with me as I say that Funcom had absolutely no idea how to portray, voice,...
We fought a bear.

Perfect Ten: MMOs with outstanding tutorial sections

Tutorials! They're important. I even wrote an entire column about them recently, talking about how important they are in getting people into a new...

One Shots: Retrofuturism for rent

Here's your two-step process to make anything old look all futurey like something out of the Jetstons. Step one: Take a normal thing. Step...

The Stream Team: Backseat Streaming creeps into Once Human

In an era of armchair warriors, we bring you Backseat Streamers! Here, Massively OP’s Chris and MJ get to take a backseat and watch...

One Shots: Hey World of Warcraft has housing after all…

This just in, World of Warcraft beat Guild Wars 2 to the punch by instituting the most robust, flexible, and creative housing system ever...

Former Blizzard and Funcom dev Craig Morrison is working on a cozy true crime MMORPG backed by NetEase

Cast your mind back to summer 2021, and you might recall that was when World of Warcraft's Craig Morrison - best known to MMORPG...
The yeller.

Perfect Ten: 10 MMORPGs with weirdly defensive fanbases

I do not have nice things to say about RuneScape. I have never had nice things to say about RuneScape. I also do not...
This, but without the camraderie and friendship.

Funcom marks Secret World’s 12th anniversary with a brief message of thanks

Today, July 3rd, marks the launch date of the deeply unique modern world MMORPG The Secret World, which has been online for 12 years...

Funcom’s Joel Bylos explains why Dune Awakening is an actual, factual MMO

In an era where game studios are either backpedaling on calling their MMOs "MMOs," it's refreshing to see one studio come outright and take ownership...

Massively Overthinking: Unfair stigmas that follow MMORPGs

A few weeks back, our team was discussing the intersection of survival sandboxes, MMORPG virtual worlds, and gankboxes - and how hard it is...

The Classic Secret World community is hosting a 12th anniversary event for the game – not Funcom

Let's get this out of the way: No, Funcom has not had a massive change of heart and decided to start developing for either...

SGF 2024: Hands-on with NCsoft’s long-awaited Throne and Liberty, launching September 17

Most of the games I played at Summer Game Fest were more enjoyable than I expected - including Throne and Liberty, which was probably...

SGF 2024: Hands-on with PvE-centric sci-fi horror survival shooter MMO Once Human

For those who saw Once Human and thought, "Gee, that kind of looks like a mix of H1Z1 and The Secret World," you're not wrong based on...
I'm definitely an elf!

Perfect Ten: MMOs where you travel back in time for some reason

We're all time travelers! We travel to the future at the rate of one second per second. Every single machine you will ever operate...

Vague Patch Notes: Why do so many MMOs fail?

We talk a lot about MMOs that fail here on Massively Overpowered. I wrote a whole column about how our standards of success are...

Perfect Ten: My top 10 favorite MMOs across two decades

Normally in these Perfect Ten lists, I'm very outward-facing. I like to create lists that are as helpful or amusing as possible for others...

Massively Overthinking: Fixing boring MMORPG dungeons

Earlier this month, MMO genre luminary Greg "Ghostcrawler" Street tweeted something from someone on his Ghost MMO team that's going to resonate with a...