
The Stream Team: Seeing The Snitch in Dungeons and Dragons Online

Tonight, Massively OP's MJ continues to her run through DDO's temporarily free content. The third part of this quest arc is The Snitch; the...

The Stream Team: Birds and boxes, a SWTOR story

Did you know there was a hidden quest to get a pet in SWTOR? Massively OP's MJ learned about it last time, and now...

Riot Games talks about the tech that keeps Valorant running smoothly and free of wallhack cheats

Riot Games is all in on making sure Valorant is one of the better-running and protected competitive FPS titles in the industry, and they're...

The Stream Team: Hold your horses and bunnies in EverQuest II

Massively OP's MJ needs to see a man about a horse. Or is it a Froglok? Whichever,  EverQuest II has launched a crazy new...

Guild Wars 2’s Super Adventure Box festival is finally live (check out the new SAB raptor skin!)

Way back in 2013, Guild Wars 2 dropped an April Fools' Day patch so epic it literally won our team's award for best expansion...

The Stream Team: World of Tanks turned nine

World of Tanks has rolled through nine years of battle, and Massively OP's MJ is ready to commemorate the occasion, tank style. There are...

The Stream Team: Bouncing through Trove’s Bunfest

Have you been to Bunfest? Massively OP's MJ hasn't, and life has been all the poorer for it! Today she changes all that,...

The Stream Team: Another foray into Fractured

It's been almost exactly a year to the day since Massively OP's MJ peeked into Fractured. So much can happen in twelve months, and...

PlanetSide 2 hypes the upcoming Outfit Wars competitive final with a double XP weekend on PC

The culmination of the Outfit Wars competition in PlanetSide 2 is coming this Saturday, April 11th, with the final event being played out on...

Easter dawns in Warframe, Dauntless, ArcheAge, Elite Dangerous, RIFT, Hackmud, DAoC, and WoW

Just because you're homebound doesn't mean you can't stretch your legs in virtual worlds and enjoy your favorite Easter activities! We've got a roundup...
Friends now.

World of Warcraft updates its quest icons, director Ion Hazzikostas talks big changes

The floating "!" has become such an iconic part of World of Warcraft's interface that it's hard to imagine it ever going away... and...

The Stream Team: Crawling through the Clockwork Guild Tomb in Neverwinter

As much as Massively OP's MJ has been enjoying Neverwinter's Neverdeath Graveyard, it is almost time to move on. One last task remains: to...

Livestreams of Valorant’s closed beta broke a Twitch viewership record (because people wanted free keys)

Riot Games' multiplayer FPS Valorant was in a limited closed beta this past Tuesday, and there were a whole lot of people tuning in...
Jenna playing ESO

It turns out that YouTube megastar Jenna Marbles is an Elder Scrolls Online junkie

Sometimes, our favourite things collide in weird and wonderful ways, and today is one of those days. At the time of writing, YouTube sensation...

The Stream Team: Heading into AQ3D’s new Heartwood

It's springtime, so it is only fitting that the big Heartwood update has sprung in AQ3D! The zone is blooming with new beauty and...

The Stream Team: Bunnies and Chimera in Warframe

The Sacrifice may be over, but Massively OP's MJ is not done with Warframe's story! She still has more missions to complete before she...

The Stream Team: Party crashing in Dungeons and Dragons Online

Last week, Massively OP's MJ talked a giant into becoming an actor in DDO. Tonight, she gets to play the part of a party...

Guild Wars 2 Super Adventure Box reopens next week, plus somebody bought the golden sink

Finally! ArenaNet had previously announced that Guild Wars 2's Super Adventure Box, inarguably the best April Fools' event in all of MMO land, was...

The Stream Team: Making melee mayhem with a Path of Exile Marauder

If one thing could be said about Massively OP's MJ, it's that she really likes Path of Exile's witch. Which is why it was...

The Stream Team: Colossal kitties in Guild Wars 2

Some days you game hardcore, and other days you just want to chill and admire the colossal kitties. The latter is exactly what Massively...