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WoW Factor: Speculating about World of Warcraft’s next expansion
It's really, really weird to me to think that we're getting an announcement about a new World of Warcraft expansion next week. Admittedly, we...
Overwatch has two new heroes in development and more character adjustments planned
What's next for Overwatch? Well, not a version of Symmetra that heals, that's for darn sure. The latest video featuring director Jeff Kaplan covers...
AdventureQuest 3D is hitting open beta very soon
Are you sporting a Massively Overpowered cape in AdventureQuest 3D without anyone around to appreciate its sublime awesomeness? Be patient just a little bit...
Blizzard to WoW testers: Class orders will not be like garrison missions
If you've paid any attention to World of Warcraft during its present expansion cycle, you are probably aware that Garrisons have not exactly been...
Wisdom of Nym: Where we’re heading in Final Fantasy XIV with patch 3.3 (and beyond)
I've made no real secret of the fact that I don't particularly like Final Fantasy XIV's live letters. Leaving aside the usual issues I...
Armored Warfare producer shares plans for the game in 2016
The most recent letter from Armored Warfare's producer specifies that the game is still one with great potential. It's not a negative letter by...
Champions Online offers a guide to playing as Grond
Some people are just set up to be superhumans. Take Champions Online's Grond - the guy was injected with an experimental serum, got more...
ArcheAge 2.0 is closing the version gap between the US and Korean versions
It's an undeniable fact that ArcheAge took a little while to arrive here on western shores, which means that the game's big updates are all...
WoW Factor: Draenor’s imminent content drought
We know that Hellfire Citadel is going to be the last raid in World of Warcraft's current expansion. We know that the expansion wasn't...
The Secret World plots its third anniversary
Can you believe that it's been three years since the release of The Secret World? It's even more surreal if you're a developer who...
Dark Age of Camelot newsletter covers Otherworlds campaign, future plans
If you're eager to unlock new stat caps in Dark Age of Camelot, you're getting your chance over the summer. The Otherworlds campaign will...