
Blinded by the X.

Buffs and nerfs are coming for Guild Wars 2’s classes

ArenaNet's Karl McLain has a new Guild Wars 2 blog post today focused on the "high-level changes" on the way for the game's classes....
Next on the skill list, Subduction.

Path of Exile shows off the Earthquake skill for big melee hits

When Path of Exile launches its Ascendancy expansion, your character builds will have new skills to play with, and many of those new skills...
Are you not entertained?

Wisdom of Nym: A musing on malaise in Final Fantasy XIV

There's no question in my mind that Final Fantasy XIV is still one of my favorite games of all time. It certainly doesn't lack...

EVE Evolved: Three things you don’t want to miss in 2016

In the previous edition of EVE Evolved, I looked back at some of the big highlights EVE Online throughout 2015. It was a year that revolutionised...

Dark Age of Camelot temporarily disables its housing zones

Ask any homeowner: The biggest headache is having to keep up with all of the things that keep breaking around the house. Broadsword knows...

Elite Dangerous outlines its 2016 content rollout plans

You might think it's the year 2016, but for Elite Dangerous players, the calendar has ticked over to 3302 and brings the promise of...

Massively OP’s guide to choosing an online ARPG

Bored of MMOs, despondent about the industry, or simply looking for something a little different? Turning to something similar to MMOs, yet offering a new...

Diablo III previews Patch 2.4.0

It's a good time to be a Diablo III player, particularly now that Blizzard is on the verge of releasing the much-anticipated Patch 2.4.0...

Did Guild Wars 2 just tease gliding in vanilla Tyria?

During today's Guild Wars 2 livestream, ArenaNet's Rubi Bayer demoed a video of a character flying... in what looks like Orr. Malchor's Leap, to...

Indie sandbox TUG secures $8.5M in new funding, delays game for engine switch

Indie sandbox TUG has become the beneficiary of a huge windfall. In a new Kickstarter update sent to backers this afternoon, Nerd Kingdom announced that...

Life is Feudal transforms into an MMO with its March beta test

A long time ago, back in the stone ages of 2014, Bitbox did alpha testing for its upcoming MMO, Life is Feudal. It was an...

Working As Intended: The MMOs we lost in 2015

It's become tradition to fare well the MMOs that sunsetted in the preceding year, but that wasn't always the case. At the beginning of 2015,...

Neverwinter moves cosmetics from ZEN cash shop to lockbox currency

Back in October, PWE wrote about its plans to massively overhaul Neverwinter's Trade Bar Store -- that is, the special store where you can...
It's almost like getting what you were promised, only exactly not.

Sword Coast Legends postpones free update in favor of Rage of Demons expansions

Development schedules are tricky things. From the outside it's easy to look at them as promises, contracts made between players and developers, but in...

Red 5 Studios is undergoing ‘strategic reorganization’

Firefall developer Red 5 Studios is apparently in the midst of a "strategic reorganization," according to a message from the executive team passed along...

ARK’s 25th digest discusses dino nerfs, contest winners, and new ideas

It's only been a few days since the tamed dinos in ARK: Survival Evolved were beaten nearly senseless with the nerf bat; stats were...

WildStar salutes its military leaders

It might be easy to forget that WildStar's Dominion and Exiles are at war with each other, especially considering how much both factions' citizens...

Crowfall hits 100,000 website signups, runs ‘snap tests’

As Crowfall tackles 2016 head-on, the team behind this PvP MMO is celebrating its 100,000th "Crow" to register on its website. ArtCraft posted new...

SWTOR grants subscribers HK-55-inspired jetpack in February’s Anarchy in Paradise

If you've played through the first nine chapters of the Star Wars: The Old Republic expansion Knights of the Fallen Empire, then you've probably...

SWG-inspired sandbox Divergence Online is now on Steam early access

If you've been waiting over the last week for Valve to approve Divergence Online for its inevitable Steam early access release, wait no longer:...