
Just get the Ghostbusters jokes out of your system now.

Heroes of the Storm shines the spotlight on Xul

Necromancers are always given the same reputation. No matter what, everyone assumes that necromancers are going to be freaks raising armies of the dead,...
We have your son in custody. We also have your older, fatter, balder son.

Final Fantasy XIV takes a look behind the magic of its sound design

Are you a fan of Final Fantasy XIV? Are you not a fan of Final Fantasy XIV while still feeling a great deal of...
You are dead. Did you even read?

Survarium deploys patch 0.40 to its live servers with UI changes and weapon modules

Sure, you're in the middle of a pitched battle for survival with whatever you can find in Survarium, but that doesn't mean that you...
Robot rock.

Check out footage of the Figureheads Online pre-open beta testing

There's still no official announcement about Figureheads being localized in English, but Square-Enix's upcoming third-person mech-based shooter does have English localization files in its...
The important thing is that no one learned anything.

IBM is testing a Sword Art Online VR MMO next month

If you've never watched Sword Art Online, here's the quick version: There's a VR-based MMO that became popular but then trapped everyone inside of...
Boss of the road.

Check out the experience of fighting Bless Online’s world bosses

You wouldn't think that you could have world bosses without instancing in this modern age of MMORPGs, but Bless Online manages to have exactly...
Remember, you were the ones who couldn't wait for this game.

Take a look at the endgame setup in Bless Online’s current beta

The level cap is going to be where you spend the lion's share of your time in any online game just by the nature...

Trinium Wars introduces the Narc race

The Narc race for upcoming post-apocalyptic MMO Trinium Wars looks kind of adorable. Big fluffy ears, big eyes, delicate features... all the stuff you'd...
Most of the time.

Take a first look at the art and animations of Crowfall’s Ranger

It's no secret that you want your characters to look good. Everyone does; that's why very few games consider it an acceptable compromise to...
The final frontier indeed.

Take a look at what’s coming in Elite: Dangerous’ next major update

The team behind Elite: Dangerous has a history of putting lots of stuff in each big numbered patch. While there's no firm date on...
Why don't you trust us?

Star Wars: The Old Republic’s story stream talks about resuming romance and future story developments

The next chapter of Knights of the Fallen Empire is coming out in early February, and it's reintroducing a major character to players of...
Happiness is a warm - yes it is - gun!

Perfect World Entertainment announces Livelock, a top-down cooperative shooter

How do you feel about robots shooting other robots? If you would rate your feelings in that department as "Strongly Positive" or better, you...
Not the chess maneuver.

Here’s how castles are built in Crowfall

According to the old adage, a man's home is his castle. But you know what's really a castle? An actual castle. And you can...
Unlock me or just buy me, whichever.

Skyforge offers new item packs for the Berserker and the Slayer

The Berserker is Skyforge's answer to the ageless question of what sort of class could possibly make carrying a sword which is also a...
Boss of the road.

Check out the customization options and race selection for Bless Online’s open beta

Customization for your character is important in any MMO. After all, you don't want your character to look exactly like every other character do...
Well, I saw that.

Black Desert makes the world boss Desert Dragon even more boss

The Desert Dragon world boss in Black Desert was indisputably exactly what it said on the tin. It was a dragon, and it was...
Create and destroy alike!

PlanetSide 2’s next major patch lets you gather and build

The next major patch for PlanetSide 2 managed to sneak onto the game's test servers just before Christmas, but no one noticed. Thus, the...
Just hear those sleigh bells jingle.

Allods Online offers players a slice of holiday cheer

The holidays are pretty well and truly over for most of us, but they're not so far in the past that we can't get...
Questing ever onward.

A special message of thanks from the EverQuest and EverQuest II teams

The year 2015 will go down in memory as a tumultuous time to be a fan of EverQuest and EverQuest II. Even disregarding all...
More for the slaughter once again.

Crowfall testing resumes on January 6th

There's a new video from the development team behind Crowfall taking a look at the game's past year of development while thanking players who...