
See: World of Warcraft

Greg Street announces his new MMORPG, dubbed Ghost and funded by NetEase

Greg "Ghostcrawler" Street has been talking big on Twitter about his new game studio and new MMORPG following his exit from Riot Games and...
yay and stuff

Here are the patch notes for World of Warcraft’s Guardians of the Dream update

The time is coming soon when World of Warcraft players will have to protect the Emerald Dream from various threats, but before that point,...

Massively OP Podcast Episode 443: Endless adventures in cyberdreams

Justin and Bree discuss Guild Wars 2 Through the Veil, WoW Emerald Dream, BlizzCon 2023, Fractured early access, and Elder Scrolls Online Endless Archive, with adventures in LOTRO, New World, Fallout 76, and Garden Galaxy, plus a mailbag question on the best money sinks in MMOs!

Perfect Ten: 10 MMORPGs as Saturday morning cartoons

My insane MMO and MMORPG thought experiments do indeed continue: Previously I considered what muffins MMO NPCs are, then I considered what flavor of...

Hyperspace Beacon: Have Star Wars The Old Republic’s visuals aged well?

Initially I wanted to write a column about how the transition of Star Wars: The Old Republic to Broadsword and how we're seeing its...

One Shots: A night of masks and intrigues

The Princess Bride rightly taught me to be suspicious of anyone wearing a mask, which is why I keep my candy in a locked...

Global Chat: EVE Vanguard has a lot to prove

Just because you're a huge EVE Online fan doesn't mean that you're instantly rallying to the cause of CCP's EVE Vanguard. The Ancient Gaming...

BlizzCon’s schedule highlights World of Warcraft but ditches Q&As

With a week to go before this year's BlizzCon, the curiosity, hope, and cynicism are running strong toward the house that Warcraft built. While...

World of Warcraft previews the locations and denizens of the Emerald Dream zone opening November 7

Last week offered World of Warcraft players a peek at some of the events that happen in the Emerald Dream zone, but what about...

Vague Patch Notes: Default MMORPG genre features change over time, and that’s OK

I want you to picture a nonexistent MMO in your head right now. Not one that hasn't released yet; one that hasn't even been...

Massively Overthinking: Are there any MMOs for which a spin-off mode would be welcome?

Pantheon's announcement that its developers are working on spinning out a monetized "247" extraction mode hasn't engendered a whole lot of hope for the...
This is not hard to do.

WoW Factor: The dungeon finder really did muck up World of Warcraft’s leveling – but not the way you’re thinking

So if you missed Justin's recent column, he mentioned how bad leveling feels these days in World of Warcraft and some of the reasons...

Tarisland’s Ranger looks like the comfiest hunter class fantasy

Considering how popular Hunters were -- and are -- in World of Warcraft, we'd say it stands to reason that Tarisland's Ranger will receive...
Yay, something I sort of kind of want I guess?

World of Warcraft previews new battleground mode, Blood Elf hair colors, and Druid forms

The Guardians of the Dream is poised to arrive in World of Warcraft at the start of November, and Blizzard is busy promoting the...

Perfect Ten: Solid MMOs you might be sleeping on in 2023

For today's list, I wanted to take a different approach to recommending MMORPGs to you. I know we often talk about underrated titles, but...

The Daily Grind: Which MMO would actually be better if it killed its whole endgame?

Let's have some provocative fun this morning. Let's imagine that your favorite MMORPG suddenly decided to kill its entire endgame. The devs are shaving...
Yeah, bye.

The Daily Grind: What are you hoping to hear from this year’s BlizzCon?

Perhaps I think or say this every year, but I truly feel that 2023's BlizzCon is setting up for a make-or-break moment for Blizzard....
The stars are over Dun Morogh.

WoW Factor: This time will not be different

The other day, I got a nasty email from a World of Warcraft fan. This is not inherently unusual; it happens a couple of...
Prepare for bear.

Massively Overthinking: What’s next for Blizzard under Microsoft?

So the Microsoft acquisition of Activision-Blizzard is basically a done deal. Oh, sure, the FTC is still fumbling around with hapless appeals, but look,...
Not precisely spoopy.

World of Warcraft brings Hallow’s End to Azeroth once again

You are probably not scared of the dark in World of Warcraft and you definitely aren't scared of dragons, because Dragonflight is downright lousy...