zenimax online studios

See: ZeniMax

The Stream Team: Rescuing the pack to find Fennorian in Elder Scrolls Online’s Greymoor

Mordal was frozen, Karthwatch is kaput, and now Massively OP's MJ needs to rescue a pack of werewolves down in Elder Scrolls Online's Blackreach...

Elder Scrolls Online has just begun another freebie ESO Plus sub trial

Elder Scrolls Online is kicking off yet another free sub trial event starting today and running through October 19th. As usual, ESO players who take...

The MOP Up: Wakfu’s great server merge

Wakfu has finally set a date for its server merges. French servers are consolidating on October 14th, while international shards are coming together the...
I circle the waterfront, I'm watching the sea.

WoW Factor: The problem with World of Warcraft’s storytelling

Back a long while ago, when I reviewed the prequel novel for World of Warcraft: Shadowlands, I noted that my general policy has been to...
Big... whatever this thing is.

Elder Scrolls Online teases the setting and atmosphere of its upcoming Markarth DLC

Elder Scrolls Online's Markarth DLC is less than a month away now for PC players, so you know what that means: time to crank...
Good news, friends! I have terrible news.

ZeniMax Online Studios appears to be ramping up development of its long-speculated new MMO

If you've been wondering what's going on with that new IP that's almost certainly in development at ZeniMax Online Studios... well, we don't know...

Vague Patch Notes: What we mean when we talk about MMO success – and failure

Yesterday, aside from love being such an easy game to play, MOP's Justin graced us with a Daily Grind asking about why it was RIFT...

Perfect Ten: 10 tools MMOs use to tell stories

While some players like to rebel against the notion that MMORPGs are storytelling experiencies, that narrative is exactly why I show up to these...
Oh, this... keeps my feelings where they were before, really.

CD Projekt Red goes back on its word regarding Cyberpunk 2077 crunch

Crunch -- the period of development time where studios enact overtime to get a product ready to ship -- is a controversial and harmful...

The Stream Team: Delving Elder Scrolls Online’s Skyrim and finding lost treasures

In Elder Scrolls Online, you can delve into dungeons, or you can delve into delves. ESO's current Western Skyrim event has three options, and...
And again.

The Elder Scrolls Online starts the collective countdown for the Lost Treasures of Skyrim

No one ever seems to have much interest in uncovering found treasures. That is probably explained by the premise, really; once the treasure is found,...

The Daily Grind: Are you planning to buy a next-gen console?

So at this point, we've now seen PlayStation 5 preorders go live, in a clusterfudge Sony has already apologized for, and we've seen Xbox...
We should really go somewhere specific.

Massively OP Podcast Episode 289: Microsoft and Bethesda sitting in a tree

Justin and Bree discuss Microsoft's acquisition of ZeniMax and Bethsoft, Fallout 76, Conan Exiles, Elder Scrolls Online, Echo of Soul, Phantasy Star Online 2, Final Fantasy XVI, and Crowfall, with adventures in WoW and SWG Legends, plus a mailbag topic on FOMO marketing tactics in MMOs.

Microsoft just bought ZeniMax, Bethsoft, and Elder Scrolls Online’s ZOS for $7.5B

Here's your Monday bombshell: Microsoft announced this morning that it has acquired ZeniMax Media - and therefore Bethesda Softworks and ZeniMax Online Studios and...

Elder Scrolls Online’s Markarth DLC launches November 2 for PC, November 10 for console

As promised, ZeniMax has just dropped a ton of info about Elder Scrolls Online's next update during its year-end preview event stream. We knew the...

The Soapbox: The joys of MMO collecting

I’ve often sat and pondered exactly what it is that I enjoy about the MMO experience. After all, being educated about your own likes...

The Stream Team: Calling on Karthwatch for help in Elder Scrolls Online’s Greymoor

During her last Elder Scrolls Online Greymoor adventure, Massively OP's MJ saved the long-lost ice princess. But her main goal is to get support...

Global Chat: Which MMO has the least annoying inventory system?

Inventory is something we have to deal with in, oh, pretty much every MMO that we play. Some games are far more generous with...
Never gonna get it, never gonna get it.

Perfect Ten: How to speak with your family members about playing MMOs

The nice part about growing up with serious social awkwardness as "the weird one" in my family is that really, every strange fixation I...

Elder Scrolls Online’s final DLC of the year is now called Markarth, not Darkstorm

Elder Scrolls Online's chapters and DLC run almost like clockwork every year, so we all knew there was one last DLC comning in 2020,...