Elite Dangerous rolls out The Guardians expansion today


Elite Dangerous is busy rolling out The Guardians expansion today, free for folks who already own the Horizons season pass ($29.99 on Steam) and featuring multi-person crewing, NPC ferrying, new planetary discoverables, an improved map — the works.

Elite Dangerous: Horizons 2.2The Guardians introduces ship-launched fighters, passenger gameplay and a host of new features and quality-of-life upgrades for Frontier’s award-winning space epic,” declares the press release. “The Guardians changes the dynamics of combat, trading and exploration in Elite Dangerous, and unlocks new opportunities for every Commander to enrich their experience in the massively multiplayer galaxy, however they choose to play.”

There’s an AMA ongoing on Reddit right now, plus screenshots and an expansion trailer below. Big day!


Source: Official forums, press release. Thanks, Cotic!
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