‘Co-op PvE space adventure’ Jump Ship shares 10 minutes of gameplay from the devs


At the top of last April we got new word on Jump Ship, an upcoming “mission-based co-op PvE space adventure” from Keepsake Games that we initially caught our attention back when it was called Hyperspace. As part of that update/reveal, the studio offered a gameplay explanation video that walked fans through the multiplayer title’s general beats, but now we’re being treated to 10 minutes of mission footage.

This latest video effectively takes some of the gameplay recording used in that prior trailer and cuts it together into a full start-to-finish mission preview, granting curious gamers a look at how the player team avoids enemy ships, sneaks its way onto a derelict to complete mission objectives, and then fights its way out through both on-foot FPS gunplay and ship-to-ship combat.

Keepsake is apparently still on track to launch the game sometime later this year. For now, there’s the mostly uncut and original gameplay video footage waiting just below.

source: YouTube
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