![Anarchy Online If this game is willing to show itself off despite its age, your game, newer or older, can do the same.](https://massivelyop.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/ao-bigpatch-epl-420-696x229.jpg)
Anarchy Online is deploying patch 18.7.0 to the live servers on Tuesday, but if you play the game, you’ll probably want to look at the patch notes now. Seriously, there’s a lot of stuff going on there, starting with an overhaul to the new player experience. All new players will now start at Arete Landing with a set of guiding quests, credit rewards, experience bonuses at early levels, and several other buffs to ensure that no one feels hopeless when starting fresh.
This update also brings huge, sweeping changes to profession nanos and perks, a general nano overhaul, and several mechanical changes like a complete reworking of the game’s existing parry mechanics. Developers have further overhauled buggy or inconvenient areas of the world and cleaned up issues like floating landscape objects. Players of this classic sci-fi MMO will want to pore over the patch notes because there’s a lot to internalize before the update.
[Source: Official site. Thanks to ogged451, zewm, and David for the tip!]