TERA patched a wedding chapel into the lands of Arborea yesterday, and the occasion got me to wondering about holy matrimony in various other MMOs. I know RIFT makes a big deal of it, and if I remember correctly you can get hitched in one of the Final Fantasy titles. I got married in Star Wars: Galaxies once upon a time, but back then it wasn’t so much a system as it was a tiny entry on your avatar’s character page that was activated after your significant other equipped the proper wedding band.
Oh, and it was an excuse to trash the Massassi temple on Yavin IV with a bunch of rowdy roleplayers, too.
Anyway, what about MOP readers? Have you gotten married in an MMO, or is it one of those things that you roll your eyes at? Vote after the cut!
Leaderboard: Have you gotten married in an MMO?
- Yes (43%, 116 Votes)
- No (55%, 149 Votes)
- I can't remember... maybe? (3%, 7 Votes)
Total Voters: 272