Bugs and glitches happen. This is a fact of MMO life. But what happens when a bug ends up erroneously dumping rare and expensive items in your lap — and the studio doesn’t take them away?
This is the situation that Trove’s been dealing with over the past 24 hours. Yesterday, a bug sprouted in the game that gave out rare mounts, unearned patron points, Chaos Factor, and other paid items to players for free. Although Trion Worlds took down the server to fix the bug, when the studio brought it back online there was no full rollback on the accidentally gained goods. Word is that Trion will be gradually taking back these items and points later this week, although some players are reporting that these items and badges are still in their inventories.
Meanwhile, Trove is rolling out a new patch today with a double Chaos Chest event, a sugar glider mount, and the ability to trade a patron pass with others.