What do you do with a tract of land that’s been perhaps irrevocably damaged and haunted due to a savage war many years previous? You turn it over to the industrious Halflings, apparently.
This is the setting for Pantheon’s Wild’s End zone, as detailed in a new developer diary: “Today, the affairs of the Halflings weave almost imperceptibly through the undomesticated pasture, which features a vast and violent swamp, a pristine pond of translucent depth and mineral rejuvenation, a decrepit temple of the dispossessed, a craven offshoot of the pioneer Halflings and of course, their elevated home of Sorhiryth.”
The zone reveal also includes a short fly-through video showing off some of the area’s vistas and a neat bit where time is sped up to show the day and night lighting effects. Alas, not a Halfling is to be seen anywhere in it.