As a framework for City of Titan’s narrative, the team has created “The Twelve:” 12 NPC superheroes that exemplify each of the 12 positions on the alignment system. As alignment fluctuates from law-abiding to villainous and even weird, so too do each of the Twelve differs from the others.
In a new dev diary, the team delivers a sneak peak at four of the Twelve: Anthem, Lady Latoki, Pale Ride, and Overclock. Each of these characters are treated to some backstory along with various stages of concept art. For future players thinking about what alignment they will choose, checking out these characters as examples of those categories might help cement a decision.
Some of these heroes even have a personal connection with the devs: “Our Iconic Merciful character is Lady Latoki. She is firm, but kind. Interestingly, her artist also happens to be Native American. She’s the one who came up with the blanket-cape, which I think is a wonderful use of classic superhuman design intersecting with a character’s background. If anyone’s curious, our Pyewacket’s Quinault. She says her mom’s grandfather carved totem poles and her grandmother read the clouds.”