Live with TERA’s maintenance patch today is an contest-slash-event En Masse is calling Seek & Spell, so: Dictionaries at the ready!
For the next three weeks, TERA players will earn event boxes by tackling endbosses in dungeons and emerging victorious from battlegrounds. The boxes will be assigned a letter from the words “secrets,” “shadows,” and “enchanting”; combine lettered boxes to spell those words and you’ll pick up a prize.
“SECRETS—Completing this word produces a prize box containing either a Nightfall costume, a ninja-themed accessory, or other consumables.
SHADOWS—Completing this word produces a prize box containing either a Bloodshadow costume, a ninja-themed accessory, or other consumables.
ENCHANTING—Completing this word produces an Enchanting Event Box containing a tier 8 or tier 9 enchanting scroll, or other enchanting materials.”
Extra letters can be transformed into tickets that enter players into a drawing for real-world prizes, including statues and CE boxes of the game.