When Skyforge’s delayed Reaper’s Revenge patch releases next week, players will get to experience their first D-series tier of Distortions, those Pantheon-specific encounters that are billed as some of the most difficult content the game has to offer. And so players don’t stumble into the encounter blindly, Allods Team is offering an overview of D-1.
In a nutshell, it’s a family affair. The first boss to face is Shakurm, the ruler of a Vird tribe. His attacks should be easily avoidable — at least until players enrage him. After defeating him, players will have to deal with the ruler’s progeny, who all want to overthrow him. Sons Ursag and Ruga possess the same basic attacks as Pops, with some added pools of confusion-inducing rot tossed around the arena. After those two are dispatched come the grandkids: Ching, Getush, Kushar, and Tar. With them, players need to watch out for and manage summoned swarms of normal Virds, whose whole job is to heal whatever health players are whittling away.